INSTITUTE FOR FISHERIES RESOURCES GIS TECHNICAL WORK GROUP -- GIS METADATA LIBRARY: Klamath COVERAGE NAME: California Boundary METADATA FILE: ca_outl.shp.txt METADATA FILE DATE: October 16, 2003 METADATA PREPARER: Eli Asarian Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Ste. N Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-9428 COVERAGE DESCRIPTION: This is a polygon outline of the state of California, downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau. The remainder of this metadata file contains information gathered from the Census Bureau website. ------- Title: 2000 State & State Equivalent Areas Location: Geography: Each State, D.C., Puerto Rico, National File Vintage: January 1, 2000 Formats: ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII) Projection: Geographic (Lat/Lon) Datum: NAD83 Distributor: Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division Originator: Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division ------- Geographic Area Description States are the primary governmental divisions of the United States. The District of Columbia is treated as a statistical equivalent of a state for decennial census purposes, as are Puerto Rico and the Island Areas: American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth if the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. Each state and statistically equivalent entity is assigned a two-digit numeric Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code in alphabetical order by state name, followed in alphabetical order by the Island Areas and Puerto Rico. Each state and statistically equivalent entity also is assigned a two-letter FIPS/U.S. Postal Service code and a two-digit census code. The census code is assigned on the basis of the geographic sequence of each state within each census division; the first digit of the code identifies the respective division, except for Puerto Rico and the Island Areas, which are not assigned to any region or division. ------- Scale and Generalization The cartographic boundary files are primarily designed for small scale, thematic mapping applications at a target scale range of 1:500,000 to 1:5,000,000. The cartographic boundary files are a generalized extract from the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER database. Line simplification/smoothing was performed with a tolerance of 0.005 decimal degrees and a coordinate reduction using the Douglas-Peucker method with a tolerance of 0.0003 decimal degrees. Very small polygons were eliminated when the combination of geographic codes existed elsewhere. The geography was clipped back to the shoreline of the United States, in contrast to TIGER/LineŽ which shows the full extent of geography out to the 3-mile limit. These generalized cartographic boundary files are originally produced to support the spatial geographic infrastructure for certain mapping functions within the Census Bureau's American Fact Finder and in support of the LandView Geographic Data Viewer. The generalized files have a much smaller file size than the original file extraction from the Census Bureau's TIGER database, resulting in faster download and processing times. Limitations Because of coordinate thinning: Cartographic boundary files should not be used for geocoding; Some offshore, redundant, zero population and housing land areas may be absent from the files; Cartographic Boundary files are not necessarily vertically integrated with previous boundary file sets. ----------------- ----------------------- DOCUMENTATION DATES: October 2003: Reprojected to UTM NAD27 (no shift), using ArcView Projector Utility Contact Name: Eli Asarian Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) 791 Eighth Street Arcata, CA 95521 Contact's Phone: (707) 822-9428