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This chart shows the hourly water temperature of a Mattole River tributary. The average daily mean temperature for each seven-day period was calculated and the maximum value for the year (MWAT) of 18.4o C is displayed. The average daily maximum temperatures for each seven-day period was also calculated and the maximum for the season (MWMT) attained 21.6 o C. Data and graphic from Dr. Hartwell Welsh and Garth Hodgson, Redwood Sciences Lab, Arcata, CA.


Table of Contents for Background Pages

Stream Conditions: Water Quality Sediment Riparian Big Wood Habitat Types
Watershed Conditions: Vegetation Types Slope Stability Roads & Erosion Cumulative Impacts Urbanization
Fish & Aquatic Life: Fish Populations Amphibians Aquatic Insects Hatcheries Fish Disease
Restoration: Stream Clearance In-stream Structures Riparian Watershed Strategy
Geology / Hydrology: Geology Soils Precipitation Stream Flow Channel Processes
Policy & Regulation ESA TMDL Forest Rules 1603 Permits Water Rights