Bibliography Background About KRIS
Photos for Humboldt Bay and the KRIS Database
The KRIS Humboldt Bay project includes photos from a variety of sources, including the U.S. Forest Service's Redwood Sciences Lab, Watershed Watch, Institute for Fisheries Resources, the Humboldt Fish Action Council, the Humboldt Watershed Council, and the Freshwater Creek Salmonid Monitoring Program.
The recently developed KRIS photo database tool allows for the rapid organization and captioning of large quantities of photos. You can now browse photos by category ("Series"), or you can see a comprehensive list of all the photographs in a KRIS system. This page links to every photograph and give the photo caption and description. Users who have KRIS installed on their desk top can add photos to the Humboldt Bay photodatabase, which has columns for photographer, geographic location, description and purpose. Using a template, this information is combined to automatically generate a caption for each photo making it easy to organize photos and generate a new "Series" automatically.
The images below provide a brief overview of the types of photos available in KRIS Humboldt Bay.
The Freshwater Creek Salmonid Monitoring Program is a cooperative effort between the Humboldt Fish Action Council, California Department of Fish and Game, AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project, and Humboldt State University's Institute for River Ecosystems. The program's activities include fish trapping, spawner surveys, snorkel surveys, education and spawning/hatchery operations. Examples of all these activities are shown in the photo database pages. HFAC accepts public donations through its program.
Photo: A coho salmon carcass on a gravel bar on the mainstem of Freshwater Creek in February 2005.
U.S. Forest Service's Redwood Sciences Lab operates a turbidity threshold sampling station on upper Jacoby Creek at the site of the old U.S. Geologic Survey gage. Redwoods Sciences Lab is part of the U.S.F.S. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. The photo database pages contain photos of monitoring activities and locations.
Salmon Forever's Watershed Watch program conducts turbidity sampling at four locations in Humboldt Bay tributaries: two in Freshwater Creek and two in Elk River. The photo database pages contain photos of the sampling site and equipment.
Photo: The installation of monitoring equipment at North Fork Freshwater Creek (site KRW) in October 2005.
Institute for Fisheries Resources
The Institute for Fisheries Resources took photos of various Humboldt Bay creeks at high-water stage, and these are contained in the photo database pages.
This picture of Old Arcata Road shows Jacoby Creek flowing over the road with substantial erosive force. The riparian zone of the creek is just beyond the green houses. January 1, 2003.