Chinook, Winter-run Chinook, and Steelhead Attributes of Restored
Habitat Quality Ratings |
- High elevation
and narrow canyon provides cool microclimate
- Very large amount
of cold water accretion from springs
- Water temperature
effects on sensitive life stages not measurable
- Secluded adult
holding habitat
- Adequate pools
for adult holding and juvenile rearing
- Adequate amount
of spawning habitat
- Little or no
competition with fall-run because high stream gradient and instream
obstacles limit adult fall-run migration
- High elevation
and/or narrow canyon provides cool microclimate
- Moderate amount
of cold water accretion from springs
- Water temperature
effects on sensitive life stages at or below threshold level of response
- Secluded adult
holding habitat
- Adequate pools
for adult holding and juvenile rearing
- Adequate amount
of spawning habitat
- Little or no
competition with fall-run because high stream gradient and instream
obstacles limit adult fall-run migration
- Medium elevation
with warm summer microclimate in canyon bottom
- Limited amount
of cold water accretion from springs
- Open canyon provides
limited topographic shading
- Montane riparian
shading present
- Water temperature
effects on sensitive life stage at level of chronic response
- Secluded adult
holding habitat
- Adequate pools
for adult holding and juvenile rearing
- Adequate amount
of spawning habitat
- Stream gradient
and instream obstacles partially limit migration of fall-run to reach
- Limited competition
with fall-run because stream gradient and instream obstacles partially
limit adult fall-run migration
- Low elevation
with hot summer climate on stream bottom
- No cooling influence
provided by accretion from springs
- Low canyon walls
provide little topographic shading
- Much montane
riparian shading
- Water temperature
effects on sensitive life stages at levels less than 50 percent survival
- Partially accessible
adult holding habitat
- Adequate pools
for over summering and juvenile rearing
- Water temperature
stratification in pools below cold water tributaries
- Adequate amount
of spawning habitat
- Competition with
partially sympatric fall-run
- Valley floor
reach with hot summer climate
- No cooling influence
provided by accretions from springs
- Good shading
from valley riparian community
- Temperature effects
on sensitive life stages at levels less than 50 percent survival
- Mostly accessible
adult holding habitat
- Limited pools
for adult holding habitat and juvenile rearing
- Adequate amount
of spawning habitat
- Full competition
with sympatric fall-run including superimposition of redds
Chinook and Late Fall-run Chinook Attributes of Restored Habitat
Quality Ratings |
- Low elevation
and gradient with easy access for ripe fish
- Located close
to the Sacramento River
- Wide channel
with full flow of Battle Creek watershed
- Alluvial stream
reach with point bar formation
- Adequate or abundant
spawning gravel
- No overlap with
spring-run or winter-run chinook
- Healthy valley
riparian plant community
- Low elevation
and moderate gradient with easy access for ripe fish
- Located close
to the Sacramento River
- Wide channel
with high flow
- Entrenched meandering
stream reach with point bar formation
- Little to no
overlap with spring-run and winter-run chinook habitat
- Healthy valley
or montane riparian plant community
- Medium elevation
and increasing gradient without migration obstacles
- Increased distance
from Sactamento River
- Narrow channel
in the forks of the stream with half of Battle Creek watershed flow
- No meandering
sections or point bars
- Overlap with
spring-run chinook habitat that is judged fair to poor
- Montane riparian
plant community
- Medium elevation
and high gradient without migration obstacles
- Increased distance
from Sactamento River
- Narrow channel
in the forks of the stream with half of Battle Creek watershed flow
- No meandering
or point bars but some broad riffles
- Overlaps with
"good" winter-run and spring-run habitat
- Montane riparian
plant community
- Medium to high
elevation with steep gradient and challenging migration barriers
- Distant from
Sactamento River
- Narrow channel
and lower flow
- No meandering
channel sections and limited spawning riffles
- Overlap with
"superior" winter-run and spring-run habitat