Area |
Arroyo Corte Madera |
Topic |
Aquatic Insects: ACM Spring 2005, Percent Dominance |
Caption: The dominant taxa at five sites in the Arroyo Corte Madera Creek watershed comprised from 13 to 45 percent of the samples. The sensitive EPT taxa, which do not include Baetis and some other highly tolerant species, comprised from 1.4 to 35 percent of the samples. Baetis comprised approximately 25% of the samples from sites ACM1 and ACM4. The dominant taxa was Baetis at ACM1 and a chironomid at the other four sites. These data indicate some degree of impairment for all but the upper sites (ACM3 and ACM5) where percent dominance was less than 25% and sensitive EPT Taxa greater than 20%. See Info Links for more information and Map to view the sampling locations.
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