Area |
Corte Madera Creek |
Topic |
Sediment: Road Densities in the Corte Madera Creek Sub-Basin |
Caption: The chart shows road densities in mile per square miles in Corte Madera Creek Calwaters. All Calwaters have densities exceeding properly functioning condition according to the National Marine Fisheries Service (1996), which is less than 3 miles per square mile, a value shown for reference. Cedarholm, et. al. (1981) suggest that road densities should not exceed 1.6 mi/sq. mi. Roads in this sub-basin are mostly associated with urbanization. Road data originates from 1:100,000 scale topographic maps and under represent road densities, especially in urban areas. Roads densities are calculated by KRIS IFR staff in Arc Info. Calwater full names are located in the Chart Table. Click Map to view the roads in the Corte Madera Creek sub-basin. See Info Links for more information.
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roads_densities_cortemadera_100k.dbf.xls (size 3,584 bytes) .