Area |
Novato and Miller Creeks |
Topic |
Habitat: Physical Habitat Quality Scores in Novato Creek 2000 |
Caption: Physical habitat quality assessments were conducted along with benthic macroinvertebrate sampling for streams in Marin County draining to the San Francisco Bay. Habitat parameters were ranked between 0 and 20 using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rapid Bioassessment Protocols. This graph shows the scores of habitat parameters that fell below sub-optimal conditions for at least one reach in the Novato Creek watershed for April, 2000. The reference values in the graph show scores which reflect optimal conditions (>16) and sub-optimal conditions (11-15). Marginal and poor conditions are represented by scores between 6-10 and 0-5, respectively. See Info Links for more information and Map to view the sampling locations. Data were analyzed by the Sustainable Land Stewardship Institute and provided by the Marin County Department of Public Works.
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