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Petaluma River |
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Land Cover: EPA Land-Use, Petaluma River Sub-basin 1992 |
Caption: This chart displays EPA Land Cover/Land Use data by Calwater Planning Watershed for the Petaluma Creek sub-basin. Classes are derived from a 1992 Landsat image. Petaluma Creek Calwaters are composed of 17-57% grassland area and 32-57% agriculture area (excluding Lower San Antonio). Conifer and hardwoods cover 5-21% of the Basalt Creek, Lower and Upper San Antonio, Adobe Creek, and Lynch Creek Calwaters. Basalt Creek, Lower Petaluma River and Petaluma contain 5%, 9%, and 12% residential area, respectively. Click on the Map tab to view the EPA Land Cover/Land Use GIS layer. Click on Info Links for more information.
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