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Sonoma Creek |
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WQ: Dissolved Oxygen in SVTP Receiving Water (Schell Slough) 1997 |
Caption: This chart shows dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg/L) in receiving waters of the Sonoma Valley Treatment Plant in 1997. Wastewater is discharged into Schell Slough 20 ft above site CS2 and surface water samples are taken down to the mouth of Sonoma Creek (site C8). Dissolved oxygen concentrations slightly drops at site CS2 and then quickly recovers downstream. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were below 1995 San Francisco Bay Basin Plan criteria for cold-water habitat of 7 mg/L for sites CS1 to CS5 in April and November. Data were collected at the surface at each site on one day per month. Sites are listed upstream to downstream. See the Chart Table caption for site name descriptions. See Info Links for more information.
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wq_do_svtp_1997_.dbf.xls (size 4,608 bytes) .