Area |
Lagunitas Creek |
Topic |
WQ: Specific Conductance in Olema Creek 1999-2001 |
Caption: Water quality parameters were measured by Point Reyes National Seashore in small tributaries of Lagunitas Creek, as well as a large tributary, Olema Creek and tributaries on the Point Reyes peninsula running into Drake's Bay and the Pacific Ocean from 1999-2001. The graph shows specific conductance data for Olema Creek. The lowest values are in small tributaries (OLM4) or in the headwaters of Olema Creek (OLM3). The reference is the specific conductance criterion (850 µS/cm) recommended by Mike Rugg, California Department of Fish and Game (NPS, 2001). See the Map for locations of these stations and Info Links for more information.
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wq_all_avgmaxmin_pore_1999_2001.xls.db (size 14,336 bytes)