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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Picture Page
Area | S Marin/Redwood Creek |
Topic | Tour: Redwood Creek Lower and Frank's Valley |
This photo shows Redwood Creek in its lower reaches during winter conditions with alder not yet leafed out. Alder provides cover and fallen alders have combined with other woody debris to create a small jam just downstream. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Redwood Creek is shown above looking upstream in Frank's Valley reach not far from the ocean. The alder, willow and shrubs lining the banks will provide much improved cover and shade when they leaf out in spring. Undercut banks under alder roots often create refuge areas for juvenile and adult steelhead. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
This photo is also of the Frank's Valley reach of Redwood Creek in an alder lined section. Although gravels in the stream bed are of relatively small diameter, they are likely suitable for steelhead spawning. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
The alder trees at right are the riparian zone of lower Redwood Creek which abut a grassy field. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Grassy fields give way to uplands covered in brush species in Frank's Valley portion of the lower Redwood Creek watershed. These relatively undisturbed upland areas act as a water filter and also allow absorption of part of the winter rains into ground water storage. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
This photo shows upslope areas of Frank's Valley in lower Redwood Creek. Although a few conifers show in this picture, the shrub Baccharis sp. covers the hillslopes with trees like bay concentrated mostly in the draws. Photo provided courtesy of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
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