The chart on this page can not be modified, as it can in the CD version of the KRIS database. Data can be downloaded (see bottom of page).
Area |
Middle Big River |
Topic |
Sediment: Fines <0.85mm Mainstem Big River 2000 |
Caption: The chart above shows percent fine sediment results <0.85mm from dry-sieved McNeil bulk gravel samples in the Mainstem of Big River. The reference is the TMDL threshold of 14% adjusted to 10.3% based on Sharazi and Seim (1979). This adjustment is not necessarily recognized by the EPA. Fine sediment values exceed the reference in tail-out 6. Data is from Mendocino Redwood Company. See Info Links for more information. Click on Picture to see a map of Mendocino Redwood Company monitoring stations.
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big_mcneil.dbf (size 6,086 bytes)