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Fish: Hatchery Coho and Steelhead Garcia Plants 1978-1988 |
Caption: The number of juvenile coho salmon and steelhead trout planted in the Garcia River between 1978 and 1988 is displayed in this chart. The California Department of Fish and Game is responsible for all fish stocking. Location of plants are the mainstem Garcia River from Highway to Eureka Hill Bridge, South Garcia and Hutton Gulch. Some fish were supplied at a small size to the Save Our Salmon organization, and then reared to larger size in ponds in Pt. Arena and in Hutton Gulch. Notes on origin of fish planted are not available for all stocking, but some steelhead came from Mad River Hatchery and in one instance the Gualala River Steelhead Project. Some coho juveniles came from the Noyo River egg taking station and Warms Springs Hatchery. See InfoLinks for more information.
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