Area |
Lower Garcia / Estuary |
Topic |
Fish: 1995 Estuary June-August Total Catch |
Caption: This chart shows the total catch at all stations for seining samples collected by Higgins (1995) in the Garcia River estuary from June through August 1995. Stations higher in the estuary were dominated by salmonids throughout the sampling period. Stations nearer the ocean shifted to more marine influence as salt water intruded and flows dropped. The lack of steelhead a station G1 in August was due to problems with sampling, not absence of steelhead juveniles or a shift in limnological conditions. See InfoLinks for more information on sampling methods and findings of study by Higgins (1995). Species contractions are prkly scan = prickly sculpin, staghorn sclpn = staghorn sculpin, shinr and slvr perch = shiner and silver perch, bay pipefh = bay pipefish.
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