Area |
Lower Garcia / Estuary |
Topic |
Sediment: Allen Creek - Percent Fines <5.6 mm, McBain&Trush 1999 |
Caption: Allen Creek percent substrate <5.6 mm is shown on this chart based on dry-sieve sampling data from McBain and Trush (2000). The Garcia TMDL threshold of 30% for sediment less than 6.4 mm refers to wet sieve samples. To make wet and dry samples comparable, the reference value shown is adjusted to 26% by the IFR KRIS project using methods of Shirazi and Seim (1979). The high amount of small gravels and sand (<5.6 mm) creates impaired conditions for salmonid spawning at these sites. See InfoLinks for more information.
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sed_mcbain_site.dbf (size 16,039 bytes)