Area |
South Fork Garcia |
Topic |
Fish: Fleming Creek Salmonid Biomass 1987-1991 |
Caption: California Department of Fish and Game staff electrofished Fleming Creek, tributary to the SF Garcia River, to survey anadromous salmonids from 1987 to 1991. The chart above shows biomass of juvenile steelhead and coho in kilograms per hectare, with coho salmon present only in 1988. Steelhead densities declined from 37.1 kg/ha to 5.7 kg/ha but the data are insufficient to gauge trends. The water years from 1989 to 1991 were very dry. See InfoLinks for more information.
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fish_fleming_dens_87_91.dbf (size 601 bytes) .
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biosample_cdfg_garcia.dbf (size 6,589 bytes)