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Fish: Adult Steelhead Catch per Unit Effort 1953-55,1962-63,1972-76 |
Caption: Catch rates of adult steelhead for sport anglers were much higher in 1953-54 than in subsequent years. In contrast to the less than four hours it took an angler to catch a steelhead in 1953-54, it took about 20 angler hours to catch a steelhead in 1975-76 and 50 hours in 1972-73. Boydstun (1974a) noted that while angler effort in 1972-73 was 60% greater than in 1953-55, the catch was just 25% of that of 1953-55. He attributed the decreased catch rate to decreased adult steelhead abundance. Angler effort and success may be substantial impaired by high flow conditions and associated turbidity. Data from CDFG (Boydstun, 1976a, 1976b). See Info Links for more information.
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