Area |
Rockpile Creek |
Topic |
USFS Riparian Tree Size Classes: Upper Rockpile CalWater 1994 |
Caption: This bar chart shows vegetation and timber types of the riparian zone of the Upper Rockpile Calwater planning watershed. The U.S. Forest Service derived the information from a 1994 Landsat image. This analysis technique calculates averages of vegetation stands at a one-hectare scale. Upper Rockpile has very similar tree size classes to Middle Rockpile. With 55% of riparian zones in trees less than 12" in diameter, there is certainly substantial chance for stream warming in the reaches of this CalWater. Scroll down for a key to classifications. Vegetation classifications are:
Very Large Trees = >40" in diameter Large Trees = Trees 30-39.9" in diameter
Medium/Large Trees = 20-29.9" in diameter Small/Medium Trees = 12-19.9" in diameter
Small Trees = 5-11.9" in diameter Saplings = Trees less than 5"
Non-Forest = No trees, shrubs, grass, bare soil
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