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Lower Trinity/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Fish: Tish Tang Cr Downstream Trap Results 1992 |
Caption: The chart above shows the raw catch downstream migrant trap results for Tish Tang Creek for the spring and summer of 1992. Trapping commenced on 3/3/92 and ran through 7/10/92 and sampling took place on 68 days. Chinook juveniles were the most numerous species, followed by dace, then steelhead greater than 70 mm (SH_OLDER) and steelhead young of the year (<70 mm). Only four coho were present in samples. AMMOC is ammocoetes or Pacific lamprey larvae. The winter and spring of 1992 were very dry and therefore flows in Tish Tang Creek were low and trapping was relatively efficient. This is reflected by a total catch of over 3500 salmonid juveniles. See the next chart to see the effects of high flow on catch. The data were collected by the Hoopa Tribal Fisheries Department. See the Source Table for complete records including flows, water temperature and hours trapped each day.
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