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Mainstem Klamath |
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Fish: Iron Gate Hatchery Chinook 1970-2002 |
Caption: The chart above shows returns of fall Chinook salmon to the Iron Gate Hatchery for the years 1970 to 2002, with the highest returns on record occurring since 2000. Grilse are smaller Chinook salmon, which have only spent one year in the ocean. Usually these fish are males and are also known as jacks. Increased returns since 1985 are concurrent with significant reductions in quotas for ocean and in-river fisheries. Many fall Chinook produced at Iron Gate Hatchery actually spawn outside the hatchery in the mainstem Klamath or Bogus Creek. Therefore, adult fall Chinook returns to Iron Gate Hatchery should not be considered the total number of hatchery fish returning. Data from annual Iron Gate Hatchery reports.
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