Area |
Salmon River |
Topic |
Fish: Steelhead Summer-Run Population 1980-2002 |
Caption: The U.S. Forest Service has conducted annual spring Chinook and summer steelhead dive counts since 1990. The Salmon River is very clear so direct dive observation counts can be very accurate during periods of low flow. The summer steelhead population in the Salmon River drainage has been at very low levels since 1990, and the the population still appears to be decreasing. Given the high quality habitat conditions within some Salmon River sub-basins, the reason for this decline is difficult to understand. It is possible that factors external to the Salmon River basin, such as mainstem Klamath water quality conditions, may be responsible for this decline. Data were provided by Klamath National Forest, Salmon River Ranger District. Summer steelhead counts before 1990 come from Eric Gerstung (CDFG). Click on Info Links for additional information.
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