Area |
Scott River |
Topic |
Temperature: MWAT at Many Scott R Sub-basin, by Year 1997-2002 |
This map shows the locations of temperature monitoring stations in the Scott River sub-basin, displayed with 1:100,000 scale
perennial streams and sub-basins. Points are color-coded by maximum weekly average temperature (MWAT). Data for this
1997-2002 temperature database were contributed by Klamath National Forest and the Karuk Tribe. Scale = 1:190,758 .
To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map Legend | Metadata File Name |
Temperature Monitoring Pts (KNF) | temps_knf_mwats.shp.txt |
Temperature Monitoring Pts (KNF) | temps_knf_mwats.shp.txt |
Streams (1:100k scale)(no labels) | Unavailable |
Subbasins (no labels) | tfsubwsd.shp.txt |
Frame Project Outline | Unavailable |
Elevation (meters)(USGS)(TIFF) | Unavailable |
Klamath Basin | Unavailable |