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S.F. Trinity |
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Temperature: Floating Weekly Average SF Trinity (2) ab EF 1992/1995 |
Caption: The floating weekly average water temperature of the South Fork Trinity River above the East Fork at the Wild-Mad Road Bridge is shown above for the years 1992 and 1995. Water temperatures in 1992 were in the stressful range for salmonids while temperatures in 1995 were nearly optimal. The difference in the temperature regimes is largely driven by flow with 1992 being very dry and 1995 very wet. The Hermit Fire also burned the watershed upstream of this point in 1989, which may have partially contributed to elevated temperatures in 1992. The East Fork SF joins the SF just downstream of this gauge and likely moderates the stream temperature. There is no record of coho spawning above Butter Creek in the South Fork; therefore, the threshold is shown only for reference. Data provided by Shasta Trinity National Forest. See Info Links for more information.
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