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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Basinwide
Topic Fish: Presence/Absence of Coho in KRIS Navarro Project Area 1988-1999

Caption:  The Chart Table fish_cohopres_nav_dfg_88_02_sum.db is a summary of the Source Table fish_cohopres_norcoast_dfg_2002.dbf. It contains a summary of the presence/absence of coho salmon young-of-the-year in historic coho streams in KRIS Navarro project area for the years 1998-2002. Data were provided by CDFG. See Info Links for more information. Column headings begin with data type, followed by years. A Key to column headings: Subbasin = KRIS sub-basin, _8802 = 1988-2002, _8899 = 1988-1999, _0002 = 2000-2002, Num_Streams = Number of historical coho streams in CDFG database for each region, Num_All_ = Number of streams where coho were present in all years surveyed, Num_Some_ = Number of streams where coho were present in some years surveyed, Num_Never_ = Number of streams where coho were never present the years surveyed, Num_NoData_ = Number of streams that were not surveyed, Num_50Pct_Pres_ = Number of streams where coho were present in >=50% of the years surveyed.

 50 rows of a possible 373 have been displayed.
Mainstem Navarro2011010110101101
NF Navarro217131018377481362017
Indian Creek4012111021100310
Rancheria Creek6105011050100330
Anderson Creek2001100011000020
Greenwood Creek1001000010000100
Elk Creek5014000140001400
All Sub-basins44819152245122161216814621

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To download the table with the chart's data, click fish_cohopres_nav_dfg_88_02_sum.db (size 18,432 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click fish_cohopres_nav_dfg_88_02.dbf (size 42,402 bytes)