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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Basinwide
Topic Sediment: Road-Related Potential Erosion in Navarro Watershed, Volume

Caption:  This Chart Table sediment_road_nav_fcrei_00_01.dbf shows potential erosion related to Mendocino County roads in the Navarro River watershed, based on road survey data collected in the years 2000 and 2001 as part of the Five Counties Road Erosion Inventory. Data were collected by the Mendocino County Department of Transportation, with training and protocol design by Pacific Watershed Associates. Data were provided to KRIS by the Trinity County Planning Department. See Info Links for more information. A key to column headings: COUNT = Number of sites in each PROBLEM category, EPIS_EROSN = Episodic erosion (sudden major events), DECD_EROSN = Decadal erosion (chronic surface erosion), TOTL_EROSN = Sum of EPIS_EROSN and DECD_EROSN.

 50 rows of a possible 192 have been displayed.
251Stream crossing50308583856146
160Ditch relief culvert4664786524
79Road ditch063686368
15Road bed0370370
8Landslide (fillslope)1340134
1Hillslope landslide000

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