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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Basinwide
Topic Sediment: TMDL Sources by Sub-basin 2000

Caption:  The Chart Table SED_TMDL.dbf contains sediment source data collected by the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Navarro TMDL, 2000. Click on Info Links for more information on sediment analysis. All entries are in tons/square mile/year. SUBBASIN = sub-basin, SHALSLIDEI = shallow landslides, DEEPSLIDE = deepseated landslides, GULLIES = natural gullying, BANKEROS = streambank erosion, INGORGE = inner gorge/streamside delivery, STRMXING = road stream crossing failures, RDMASWASTE = road-related mass wasting, RDGULLY = road-related gullying RDWURFACE = road-related surface erosion, SKIDTRAIL = skid trail erosion, VINEYARD = vineyard erosion, MGTMASSWAS = management-related mass wasting, and TOTALS for each sub-basin and the entire watershed.

 50 rows of a possible 192 have been displayed.
NF Navarro16003050280160150150210705501315

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