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 Map Page.
 You selected the area Elk Creek and the topic Map: 1G Timber Harvest, Elk Creek Sub-basin 1990-2002  
This is a map of timber harvests permitted by the California Department of Forestry (CDF) in the Elk Creek sub-basin between 1990 and 2002 with KRIS sub-basins, USGS 1:100,000 scale streams, and a grayscale hillshade. More than 30% of the basin has been cut in this period. Data were provided by the California Department of Forestry, Santa Rosa. Scale = 1:110,041 .

 To view metadata about a map layer, click on a link in the table below.
Name of Layer in Map LegendMetadata File Name
Streams (1:100k scale)(no labels) streams100.shp.txt
Sub-basins (w/ labels) subbasins.shp.txt
Project Frame Unavailable
Change in Veget. (1994-98)(TIFF) vegchg.tif.txt
Type (Silviculture 1990-2002) thpcwrgns.shp.txt
Landslide Potential (Shalstab) [TIFF] navarro_shalstab.tif.txt
Topo Map (1:24k scale) Unavailable
Gray Hillshade of Elevtn (TIFF) grayscale_xnv_light.tif.txt
Percent Slope of Elevation slope1.tif.txt
Elevation (10 m resolution)(TIFF) elev10.tif.txt
Project Background Unavailable