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KRIS Navarro : Chart Page

Area Greenwood Creek
Topic Fish: Outmigrant Steelhead Catch by Fork Length in Greenwood Cr 2001
Caption:  This chart shows length frequency of steelhead captured from March 17, 2001 to May 30, 2001 by Mendocino Redwood Company on Greenwood Creek. According to MRC (2002), a total of 2748 steelhead were trapped with lengths ranging from 26-211 mm (mean = 94 mm). According to MRC (2001), the length frequency histograms shows a clear bimodal relationship between the length of young-of-the-year (YOY) with YOY steelhead lengths for the range of 26-43mm (light green bars, mean = 31 mm) and Age 1+ steelhead lengths ranging from 54-211 mm (light blue bars, mean = 98 mm). A length of 100 mm is often considered the break point between young of the year and yearling California steelhead (Shapovalov and Taft, 1954). No scales samples were taken by MRC to verify age. See Info Links for more information.

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