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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Indian Creek
Topic Fish: Snorkel Surveys Indian Creek 2000 Spring

Caption:  Chart table IC_UCDSNORK_SP00.dbf shows University of California, Davis, snorkel survey data by species for sites in Indian Creek surveyed in spring 2000. Columns list an abbreviated stream name (LIC = lower Indian Creek) along with habitat types (P=pool, R=riffle, RU=run). Rows are the same species found in Source Table with more descriptive labels. Click on Source Table to see complete names for streams, surveyors, sampling effort, and other data taken. Click on Info Links for more information. 0+ Steelhead = young of the year steelhead, 0++Steelhead = steelhead either large young of the year or small 1+ (only used in 2000 sampling), 1+ Steelhead = steelhead older than one year, Coho = young of the year coho, Roach = California roach, Stickleback = threespine stickleback, All Sculpin = Combined number of coast range and prickly sculpin, Crayfish = crayfish, Sucker = Sacramento sucker, Tadpole = tadpole (species unknown), Salamander = pacific giant salamander, Newt = rough-skinned newt. A species was not listed in the Chart Table if none were observed in this stream for all sites surveyed.

 50 rows of a possible 838 have been displayed.
All Sculpin11200000001000000000005

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To download the table with the chart's data, click ic_ucdsnork_sp00.dbf (size 3,430 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click ucd_snorkel_all.dbf (size 449,740 bytes)