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Rancheria Creek |
Topic |
Fish: Snorkel Surveys Rancheria Creek 2001 Summer |
Caption: This chart displays snorkel data from all surveys in Rancheria Creek in summer, 2001. Following a similar pattern to 2000, California roach and threespine stickleback increased substantially between spring and summer in Rancheria Creek, but steelhead numbers dropped by two thirds. The data were provided by University of California, Davis. Click on Info Links for more information. See below for a key to species:
0+ Steelhead = young of the year steelhead
0++Steelhead = steelhead either large young of the year or small 1+ (only used in 2000 sampling)
1+ Steelhead = steelhead older than one year
Coho = young of the year coho
Roach = California roach
Stickleback = threespine stickleback
All Sculpin = combined totals for coast range and prickly sculpin
Crayfish = crayfish
Sucker = Sacramento sucker
Y-Leg Frog = yellow legged frog
Tadpole = tadpole (unknown species)
Salamander = Pacific Giant Salamander
Newt = rough-skinned newt
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