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KRIS Noyo : Picture Page
Area | Lower Noyo/Basin-wide |
Topic | Tour: Historical Photos Interior Noyo Basin |
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Hauling tan bark, Mendocino County, Calif. The exact date and location of this photo are unknown but it is likely in the "Noyo Woods." Tan bark was the bark of the tan oak tree which provided ingredients used in tanning leather. Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection. Reference Gummerus (L-06920).
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Abandoned mill likely in the Noyo River Basin late in the 1800's or early 1900's. Notice that the forest is in early seral conditions with large stumps of the original forest. Also note the boy in the hat with his dog at lower right. Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection. Escola (L-01098).
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"Bull team at the Noyo shingle mill on the Noyo River above Redwood Lodge circa 1894." Notice dense growth of small diameter trees, possibly as a result of earlier logging but with some mature conifers interspersed. Picture from Ft. Bragg Guest House (L-06430). Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection.
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"Up the Noyo." -Unidentified group "taking the air." Note that the riparian zone of the Noyo River pictured here is intact with large redwoods at left. The area immediately adjacent to the stream is vegetated with alders. Lee: L-07052-A. Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection.
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Early logging on the Noyo River with horse teams in the 1800's. Note that the haul road is made up entirely of logs, called a corduroy road. Caption on photo from Robert Lee: "Severance horse team getting out piling on the Noyo River. Some of this piling is 123 feet long. Walter Severance is to the left of the team holding a goad stick." Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection. Hansen (01099).
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"Logging by horse team in the Noyo woods above the tunnel in 1897. Note unique water line set up to left of skid road. It probably supplies a watering trough further down the canyon." Also note that the skid trail is immediately adjacent to a small stream. Tunnel might refer to the Little North Fork Noyo watershed where the rail line comes through the mountain from Pudding Creek. Courtesy Held-Poage Historical Library, Ukiah. Robert J. Lee Collection. McLanse (01100). |