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Timber Harvest: Matthews By Large Basin (Area) 1933-1999 |
Caption: The chart above shows acres logged of all large Ten Mile River Planning Watersheds by period according to estimates by Matthews and Associates (2000). The South Fork watershed has the highest number of acres logged with the periods of most extensive harvest prior to 1942 and in the 1990's. Estimates are generated largely from aerial photos and years shown above are the year of the photo used and cover the period back to the previous photo year. Matthews Associates (2000) state: "Prior to 1988, the history was developed primarily from interpretation of aerial photography. From 1988 to present, road and harvest history was obtained from CDF GIS coverages which had been developed by directly inputting information provided as part of submitted Timber Harvest Plans (THPs)." See Info Links for more background information and links to references.
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