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Fish: Hatchery Juvenile Releases in Ten Mile River |
Caption: The California Department of Fish and Game and, more recently, the Salmon Restoration Association (SRA) have planted juvenile salmon and steelhead in the Ten Mile River with the number of juveniles planted displayed above. The plants of coho salmon and steelhead since 1991 were carried out by the SRA and were of native origin with adult broodstock captured at weirs in three locations in the basin. Steelhead caught by sportsmen on hook and line were also used as broodstock. Early plants of coho and steelhead from 1955 through 1977 were carried out by CDFG and likely did not use locally adapted stock, which can have negative consequences for wild fish (see Hatchery Background page). Chinook salmon juveniles were also imported but the effort to establish a self-perpetuating run in the Ten Mile River failed. Coho salmon were trapped in 1995 but no fish were released because they became infected with bacterial kidney disease and had to be destroyed. See Info Links for more information and for links to other resources. Data supplied by the California Department of Fish and Game.
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