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Fish: Presence/Absence of Coho Salmon Central Coast ESU |
Caption: The chart above shows the findings of field surveys (Adams et al., 1999) to determine the presence or absence of juvenile coho salmon within the Central California ESU in streams that were known to harbor coho historically. The ESU extends south of the Mattole River to Santa Cruz, including some San Francisco Bay tributaries. Thirty-six percent of Mendocino streams surveyed lacked coho while 72% of Sonoma streams surveyed lacked coho. The loss of coho salmon from tributary basins and portions of large rivers shows fragmentation of the distribution of coho, which is a warning sign for declines toward extinction according to the authors. Absence data is provisional pending more extensive study, because coho may exist in some streams but only occur in some years. This would be due to complete losses of year classes. See Info Links for more information.
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