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Middle Trinity |
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Sediment: Upper Middle Trinity - Sediment Transport 1981-2001 |
Caption: This chart compares long-term (1981-2000) sediment transport rates with rates from the 2001 water year. Note that the WY2001 was an extremely dry year; however, the data shows that Grass Valley and Indian Creeks are the main sediment sources downstream of Lewiston Dam, and due to the level of disturbance, provide significant loads even in critically dry years. Sediment contributions from these streams exceed the transport capacity of the mainstem Trinity. This type of loading will result in continuous growth of sediment deposits in the mainstem. Data are from Graham Matthews and Associates Trinity River Sediment Source Analysis (2001). See Info Links for more information.
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sed_totaltransport_up_mid_trinity_gma_1981_2000.dbf (size 2,707 bytes)