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(Kootenai River references are a representative sample for the pilot project, not comprehensive)
**A note about the KRIS/Bibliography**
Bauer, S.B. 2000. Kootenai River tributaries - water quality summary - 1998/2000. Prepared by Pocket Water, Inc. for the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho. Bonners Ferry, ID. 39 pp. [465k]
Century West Engineering, Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting, Ltd., Summit Environmental, and EcoAnalysts, Inc. 2000. Comprehensive water quality monitoring plan for the Kootenai River Basin, British Columbia, Montana and Idaho. Prepared for the Kootenai River Network, Inc. 231 pp. [1.4Mb]
Hoffman, G., B. Marotz, J. DeShazer, L. Garrow, T. Ostrowski and J. Dunnigan. 2002. Mitigation for the construction and operation of Libby dam. Annual report, 2000. Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Bonneville Power Authority project no. 199500400. Portland, OR. 161 pp. [6.9Mb]
Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). 2001a. Kootenai River fisheries recovery investigations: Quarterly progress report and summary of activities, July - September 2001. IDFG. 5 pp. [200k]
Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). 2001b. Kootenai River fisheries recovery investigations: Quarterly progress report and summary of activities, October - December 2001. IDFG. 5 pp. [31k]
Jamieson, B., and J. Braatne. 2001. Riparian cottonwood ecosystems and regulated flows in Kootenai and Yakima sub-basins: Volume III (Overview and Tools). Report to Bonneville Power Administration. Report DOE/BP-000000005-1. Portland, OR. 39 pp. [1.6Mb]
Kootenai River Network. 2001. Inventory of Kootenai River Network's information system.
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho (KTOI). 2000. Hatchery and genetic management plan: White sturgeon conservation aquaculture. KTOI. Bonners Ferry, ID. 64 pp. [1.1Mb]
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho (KTOI), and G. Krause. 2002. Trout Creek biological assessment: 2001. Prepared for Bonneville Environmental Foundation. KTOI Fish and Wildlife Department. Bonners Ferry, ID. 71 pp. [14.5Mb]
Kruse, G.O. 2000. The effects of contaminants on reproduction, embryo development and related physiological processes in Kootenai River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus richardson. Master's thesis, Univ. of Idaho. 191 pp. [880k]
McPhail, J.D. and J.S. Baxter. 1996. A review of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) life-history and habitat use in relation to compensation and improvement opportunities. Fisheries management report no. 104. Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. 39 pp. [470k]
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MDFWP). 2000. Restoration plan for bull trout in the Clark Fork River basin and Kootenai River basin Montana. Prepared by the Montana Bull Trout Restoration Team. MDFWP. Helena, MT. As downloaded from: http://www.fwp.state.mt.us/fishing/btroutplan.pdf
Paragamian, V.L., J.R. Kozkay, V. Whitman. 2001. Kootenai River fisheries investigation: Stock status of burbot. Annual progress report January 1, 1999 - March 31 2000. Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Report to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA Report DOE/BP-00004691-2. Portland, OR. 33 pp. [467k]
Paragamian, V.L., G. Krause, V. Wakkinen. 2001. Kootenai River white sturgeon investigation: Kootenai River white sturgeon spawning and recruitment evaluation annual progress report, January 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998. Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Report to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA Report DOE/BP-00004691-2. Portland, OR. 53 pp. [2.4Mb]
Paragamian, V., J.P. Walters, C.C. Downs. 2001. Kootenai River fisheries investigations: Rainbow and bull trout recruitment annual progress report, January 1, 1999- December 31, 1999. Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Report to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA Report DOE/BP-00004691-1. Portland, OR. 53pp. [660k]
Thurow, R.F. and D.J. Schill. 1996. Comparison of day snorkeling, night snorkeling and electrofishing to estimate bull trout abundance and size structure in a second-order Idaho stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 16:314-323. 10 pp. [472k]
US Bureau of Reclamation, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Bonneville Power Administration. 2002. Final Endangered Species Act 2003/2003-2007 Implementation Plan for the Federal Columbia River Power System. Portland, OR. 127 pp. [785k]
USDA, Forest Service (USFS). 1998. Forest plan monitoring and evaluation report - 1998. Idaho Panhandle National Forests. Coeur d'Alene, ID. 166 pp. [835k]
USDA, Forest Service (USFS). 1999. Forest plan monitoring and evaluation report - 1999. Idaho Panhandle National Forests. Coeur d'Alene, ID. 77 pp. [795k]
USDA, Forest Service (USFS). 2000a. Forest plan monitoring and evaluation report - 2000. Idaho Panhandle National Forests. Coeur d'Alene, ID. 80 pp. [1.5Mb]
USDA, Forest Service (USFS). 2000b. Forest assessment of major fires 2000. USFS, Kootenai National Forest. Libby, MT. 113 pp. (document body + appendices F and G.) [2.2Mb]
USDA, Forest Service (USFS). 2001. Forest plan monitoring and evaluation report - 2001. Idaho Panhandle National Forests. Coeur d'Alene, ID. 127 pp. [2.8Mb]
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1999a. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 90-day finding and commencement of status review for a petition to list the lower Kootenai River burbot as threatened or endangered. 50 CFR Part 17. Federal Register. Vol. 66, No. 189. 4 pp. [78k]
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1999b. Recovery plan for the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus): Kootenai River population. USFWS. Region 1. Portland, OR. 96 pp.[8.7Mb] [and 83 pp. of appendices as a separate file because of 6.2Mb size]
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2000. Final biological opinion - Effects to listed species from operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System. Consultation performed for US Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, and US Bureau of Reclamation. USFWS, Region 1. Portland, OR. 106 pp. + appendices [342k]
Webber, T.N. and B. Wipperman. 1996. State of water quality of Moyie River at Kingsgate, 1979-1995. Part of the Canada-British Columbia Water Quality Monitoring Agreement. Published by Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/wat/wq/quality/moyie/
General Interest/ Methods Documents
Armour, C.L. 1991. Guidance for evaluating and recommending temperature regime to protect fish. Biological Report 90(22). US Fish and Wildlife Service. Ft. Collins, CO. 13 pp. [316k]**
Azuma, D. & S. Mori. 1991. General aquatic resources monitoring. As FHR Currents #2. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 2 pp. [101k]**
Barnard, K. & S. McBain. 1994. Standpipe to determine permeability, dissolved oxygen, and vertical particle size distribution in salmonid spawning gravels. As FHR Currents # 15. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 12 pp. [1.45Mb]**
Bartholow, J.M. 1989. Stream temperature investigations: field and analytic methods. Instream Flow Information Paper No. 13. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 89(17). 139 pp. [892k]**
Bauer, Stephen B. and Stephen C. Ralph. 1999. Appendix D: Annotated bibliography for: Aquatic habitat indicators and their application to water quality objectives within the Clean Water Act. EPA-910-R-99-014. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10. Seattle WA. 77 pp. [464k]
Bilby, R., P. Bisson, T. Hyatt, R. Naiman, T. O'Keefe, J. Richey, and L. Steubing. Limiting factors analysis of the Nooksack River. [17k] http://www.fish.washington.edu/people/naiman/Prism/salmon_habitat.html [17k]
Bradbury, Bill, and multiple authors. 1995. Handbook for prioritizing watershed protection and restoration to aid recovery of native salmon. 49 pp.[1.17Mb]**
Bunte, K. and S.R. Abt. 2001. Sampling surface and subsurface particle size distributions in wadable gravel and cobble bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics and streambed monitoring. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-74. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 428 pp.[10.46Mb] http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_gtr74.html
CA Department of Fish and Game. 1999. California stream bioassessment procedure: Protocol brief for biological and physical/habitat assessment in wadeable streams. Aquatic Bioassessment/Water Pollution Control Laboratory. Rancho Cordova, CA. 15 pp.
Carlson, S.A. and L. Fox III. 1996. Landscape assessment with small scale data, Klamath Basin, California-Oregon. Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. 10 pp. [25k]**
Cederholm, C.J., R.E. Bilby, P.A. Bisson, T.W. Bumstead, B.R. Fransen, W.J. Scarlett, and J.E. Ward. 1997. Response of juvenile coho salmon and steelhead to placement of large woody debris in a coastal Washington stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 17(4): 947-963. [904k]**
Cederholm, C.J., L.M. Reid and E.O. Salo. 1981. Cumulative effects of logging road sediment on salmonid populations in the Clearwater River, Jefferson County, Washington. Presented to the conference Salmon-Spawning Gravel: A Renewable Resource in the Pacific Northwest? October 6-7, 1980. Seattle Washington. 35 pp. [494k]**
Chen, G.K. 1992. Use of basin survey data in habitat modelling and cumulative watershed effects analyses. As FHR Currents # 8. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 11 pp. [202k]**
Clemmer, P. 1994. Riparian Area Management: The use of aerial photography to manage riparian-wetland areas. Technical Reference 1737-10. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Denver, CO. 61 pp. [1.58Mb]
Derksen, J., L. Fox III, and R.A. Iverson. 1996. Using LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Imagery to Support Salmon Restoration Efforts in a Large Pacific Coast Watershed. William M. Kier Associates. Sausalito, CA. 19 pp. [3.2Mb]**
Dietrich, W.E. et al. 1998. A validation study of the shallow slope stability model, SHALSTAB, in forested lands of Northern California. Stillwater Ecosystem, Watershed & Riverine Sciences. Berkeley, CA. 59 pp. [1.25Mb]**
Dunne, T., J. Agee, S. Beissinger, W. Dietrich, D. Gray, M. Power, V. Resh, and K. Rodrigues. 2001. A scientific basis for the prediction of cumulative watershed effects. The University of California Committee on Cumulative Watershed Effects. University of California Wildland Resource Center Report No. 46. June 2001. 107 pp. [555k]
Essig, D.A. 1998. The dilemma of applying uniform temperature criteria in a diverse environment: an issue analysis. Idaho Division of Environmental Quality Water Quality Assessment and Standards Bureau. Boise, ID. 34 pp. [205k]
Flanagan, S.A., M.J. Furniss, T.S. Ledwith, M.A. Love, K. Moore, and J. Ory. 1998. Methods for inventory and environmental risk assessment of road drainage crossings. Water/Road Interaction Technology Series. 9877 1809-SDTDC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Technology and Development Program. San Dimas, CA. 52 pp. [2.55Mb]
Fox III, L. and S.A. Carlson. 1996. Using a GIS and vegetation cover derived from Landsat™ image classification to assess the health of the Klamath River hydro-basin in North America. Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. 7 pp. [54k]**
Friedrichsen, G. 1998. Eel River water quality monitoring project. Final Report. Submitted to State Water Quality Control Board, for 205(J) Contract #5-029-250-2. Submitted by Humboldt County Resources Conservation District. 76 pp. [924k]**
Frissell, C.A. and R.K. Nawa. 1992. Incidence and causes of physical failure of artificial habitat structures in streams of Western Oregon and Washington. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 12:182-197. [296k]**
Grant, G. 1988. The RAPID technique: a new method for evaluating downstream effects of forest practices on riparian zones. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-220. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR. 36 pp. [897k]**
Gucinski, H., M.J. Furniss, R.R. Ziemer, M.H. Brookes, editors. 2001. Forest roads: a synthesis of scientific information. Gen. Tech. Rep. NW-GTR-509. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR. 103 p.[549k] http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/gtr509.pdf
Hall, J.D. and C.O. Baker. 1982. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in western North America: 12. Rehabilitating and Enhancing Stream Habitat: 1. Review and Evaluation. Meehan, W.R., tec. ed. Gen. Tech Rep. PNW-138. Portland, OR. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 38 pp. [558k]
Hames, S.H., R. Conrad, A. Pleus and D. Smith. 1996. Field comparisons of the McNeil sampler with three shovel based methods used to sample spawning gravel substrate composition in small streams. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. Part of Timber Fish and Wildlife Ambient Monitoring Program Series. TFW-AM-9-96-005. [165k]
Harr, R.D. and R.A. Nichols. 1993. Stabilizing forest roads to help restore fish habitats: A Northwest Washington example. Fisheries 18(4): 18-22. [260k]**
Harrelson, C.C., C.L. Rawlins, and J.P. Potyondy. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: an illustrated guide to field technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 pp. [5.76Mb]
Hickman, T.L. 1999. Fish Creek -- Adaptive Watershed Management in the 21st Century: A Case Study. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. Mt. Hood National Forest. Estacada, Oregon. 12 pp. [5.98Mb]**
Hicks, M. 2000 Preliminary Review Draft Discussion Paper. Evaluating standards for protecting aquatic life in Washington’s surface water quality standards - temperature criteria. Water Quality Program, Watershed Management Section, Washington State Department of Ecology. Olympia, WA. 155 pp. [594k]
Hilton, S. and T.E Lisle. 1993. Measuring the fraction of pool volume filled with fine sediment. Res. Note PSW-RN-414. US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. Albany, CA . 11 pp. [55k]**
Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team. 1999a. Recovery of wild salmonids in western Oregon forests: Oregon Forest Practices Act Rules and the Measures in the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Technical Report 1999-1 to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Governor's Natural Resources Office. Salem, Oregon. 94 pp., including addendum. [265k]
Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team. 1999b. Defining and evaluating recovery of OCN coho salmon stocks: implications for rebuilding stocks under the Oregon Plan for Salmonids and Watersheds. Technical Report 1999-2 to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds. Governor's Natural Resources Office. Salem, Oregon. 19 pp. [129k]
Johnson, D. H., N. Pittman, E. Wilder, J. A. Silver, R. W. Plotnikoff, B. C. Mason, K. K. Jones, P. Roger, T. A. O’Neil, C. Barrett. 2001. Inventory and Monitoring of Salmon Habitat in the Pacific Northwest - Directory and Synthesis of Protocols for Management/Research and Volunteers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. 212 pp. [7.1Mb] http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/hab/sshiap/inventorymonitor.pdf
Kauffman, J.B., R.L. Beschta, N. Otting, and D. Lytjen. 1997. An Ecological Perspective of Riparian and Stream Restoration in the Western United States. Fisheries 22(5):12-24. [1.13Mb]
Kier Associates. 1999. Mid-term Evaluation of the Klamath River Basin Fisheries Restoration Program. Prepared for The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force. Sausalito, CA. 303 pp. [4.64Mb]**
Kier (William M.) Associates. 1995. Watershed Restoration--A Guide for Citizen Involvement in California. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 8. NOAA Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring, MD. 114 pp. + 3 appendices. [1.74Mb]**
Knopp, C. 1993. Testing indices of cold water fish habitat. Final report for development of techniques for measuring beneficial use protection and inclusion into the North Coast Region's Basin Plan by Amendment of the.....Activities, September 18, 1990. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board in cooperation with California Department of Forestry. 57 pp. [1.05Mb]
Kondolf, G.M. 2000. Assessing salmonid spawning gravel quality. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 129:262-281. [343k]
Lassettre, N.S. 1999. Annotated bibliography on the ecology, management, and physical effects of large woody debris (LWD) in stream ecosystems. Prepared for the California Department of Forestry. University of California Berkeley, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning. Berkeley, CA. 134 pp. [510k]
Lewis, D.J., K.W. Tate, and J.M. Harper. 2000. Sediment delivery inventory and monitoring: A method for water quality management in rangeland watersheds. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Davis, CA. 14 pp. [952k]
Ligon, F., A. Rich, G. Rynearson, D. Thornburgh, and W. Trush. 1999. Report of the scientific review panel on California Forest Practice Rules and Salmonid Habitat. Prepared for the Resources Agency of California and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Sacramento, CA. 181 pp. [2.83Mb]
Lisle, T. E. 1989. Sediment transport and resulting deposition in spawning gravels, north coastal California. Water Resources Research 25(6): 1303-1319. [487k] http://www.rsl.psw.fs.fed.us/projects/water/Lisle89.pdf
Lisle, T.E. 1981. Channel recovery from recent large floods in Northern California: rates and processes. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Arcata, CA. [91k]
Lisle, T. and S. Hilton. 1991. Fine sediment in pools: An index of how sediment is affecting a stream channel. As FHR Currents # 6. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 7 pp. [165k]**
Lotspeich, F.B. and F.H. Everest. 1981. A new method for reporting and interpreting textural composition of spawning gravel. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Research Note PNW-369.USDA Forest Service. Corvallis, OR. 12 pp. [242k]**
McBain and Trush. 2000. Spawning gravel composition and permeability within the Garcia River watershed, CA. Final Report. Prepared for Mendocino County Resource Conservation District. 32 pp. without appendices. [227k]
McCain, M., D. Fuller, L. Decker and K. Overton. 1990. Stream Habitat Classification and Inventory Procedures for Northern California. As FHR #1. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 15 pp. [2.34Mb]**
McCullough, D.A. 1999. A review and synthesis of effects of alterations to the water temperature regime on freshwater life stages of salmonids, with special reference to chinook salmon. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington. Published as EPA 910-R-99-010. July 1999. 291 pp. [965k]
McCullough, D.A., and F.A. Espinosa, Jr. 1996. A monitoring strategy for application to salmon-bearing watersheds. Technical report 96-5. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. Portland, OR. 199 pp. [608k]
McHenry, M.L., D.C. Morrill, and E. Currence. 1994. Spawning Gravel Quality, Watershed Characteristics and Early Life History Survival of Coho Salmon and Steelhead in Five North Olympic Peninsula Watersheds. Port Angeles, WA. 59 pp. without appendices. [860k]**
McIntosh, B.A. and H.W. Li. 1998. (Abstract and other information regarding their) Final Report - Klamath Basin Pilot Project: Coldwater Refugia Study and Videography. Oregon State University. [3k]
McNeil, W. J. and W.H. Ahnell. 1964. Success of pink salmon spawning relative to size of spawning bed material. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report - Fisheries No. 469. Washington, D.C. 17 pp. [394k]**
Meehan, W.R. 1996. Influence of riparian canopy on macroinvertebrate composition and food habits of juvenile salmonids in several Oregon streams. Research Paper PNW-RP-496. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR. 19 pp. [459k]
Mobrand Biometrics, Inc. August 1999 Draft. The EDT Method. 36 pp. [227k]**
Mobrand, L. and P. Kareiva. October 1999 Draft. Reconciling EDT and CRI as alternative decision support systems: two is better than one. 12 pp. [36k]
Naiman, R.J., T.J. Beechie, L.E. Benda, D.R. Berg, P.A. Bisson, L.H. MacDonald, M.D. O'Connor, P.L. Olson, and E.A. Steel. 1992. Fundamental elements of ecologically healthy watersheds in the Pacific Northwest coastal ecoregion. Pages 127-188 in R.J. Naiman (ed.), Watershed Management: Balancing Sustainability and Environmental Change. Springer-Verlag, New York. [570k] http://www.fish.washington.edu/people/naiman/CV/reprints/naiman_fundamental_1992.pdf
Nawa, R.K. and C.A. Frissell. 1993. Measuring Scour and Fill of Gravel Streambeds with Scour Chains and Sliding-Bead Monitors. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13(3):634-639. [144k]**
Nehlsen, W., J.E. Williams, J.A. Lichatowich. 1991. Pacific Salmon at the Crossroads: Stocks at Risk from California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Fisheries 16(2):4-21. [222k]**
Overton, C.K., M.A. Radko, and R.L. Nelson. 1993. Fish habitat conditions: using the Northern/Intermountain Region's inventory procedures for detecting differences on two differently managed watersheds. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-300. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Ogden, UT. 14 pp. [285k]
Overton, S.W. and T.L. McDonald. 1998. Regional Estimation of Juvenile Coho Abundance in Streams. Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. West Technical Report #98-5. Cheyenne, WY. 27 pp. [177k]
Pacific Watershed Associates. 1994. Action plan for the restoration of the South Fork Trinity River watershed and its fisheries. Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Trinity River Task Force, Contract No. 2-CS-20-01100. February 1994. [13k]
Peterson, N.P., A. Hendry and T.P. Quinn. 1992. Assessment of cumulative effects on salmonid habitat: Some suggested parameters and target conditions. Prepared for the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources under the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement TFW-F3-92-001. [1.52Mb]
Platt, J.R. 1964. Strong Inference: Certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others. Science, 16 October 1964, Vol. 146, No. 3642, pp 347-353. [62k]**
Platts, W.S., M.A. Shirazi, and D.H. Lewis. 1979. Sediment particle sizes used by salmon for spawning with methods for evaluation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ecological Research Series. EPA-600/3-79-043. 32 pp. [190k]**
Poole, G.C., and C.H. Berman. Submitted. Pathways of human influence on water temperature dynamics in stream channels. Environmental Management. 20 pp. [250k]
Prichard, D., H. Barrett, K. Gebhardt, J. Cagney, P.L. Hansen, R.Clark, B. Mitchell, J. Fogg and D. Tippy. 1995. Riparian Area Management: Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition. Technical Reference 1737-9. Bureau of Land Management. Denver, CO. 25 pp without appendices. [2.84Mb]
Prichard, D., C. Bridges, R. Krapf, S. Leonard, and W. Hagenbuck. 1998. Riparian Area Management: Process for Assessing Proper Functioning Condition for Lentic Riparian-Wetland Areas. Technical Reference 1737-11. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Denver, CO. 38 pp. [1.07Mb]
Quinn, T.P., and N.P. Peterson. 1994. The effect of forest practices on fish populations. Final Report. Prepared for the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources under the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement. TFW-F4-94-001. [1.93Mb]
Reeves, G.H., F.H. Everest, and J.R. Sedell. 1993. Diversity of juvenile anadromous salmonid assemblages in coastal Oregon basins with different levels of timber harvest. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 122(3): 309-317. [119k]**
Reid, L.M. 1991. So what, exactly, is a CWE? Watershed Management Council Newsletter 3(4):1. [4k]
Reid, L.M. 1993. Research and cumulative watershed effects. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report GTR-141, 118 pp. [802k]
Reid, L.M. 1994. Watershed analysis --- whatever that is. Watershed Management Council Newsletter 6(2): 1;16. Fall 1994. [7k]
Reid, L. M. 1996. Enabling interdisciplinary analysis. Pages 624-626 in: Proceedings, Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together, 1996 June 8-12, Baltimore, MD. Alexandra, VA: Water Environment Federation. [18k]
Reid, L.M. and M.J. Furniss. 1998. On the use of regional channel-based indicators for monitoring. US Forest Service. Arcata, CA. 24pp. [92k]
Reid, L.M., R.R. Ziemer, and T.E. Lisle. 1996a. Approaching messy problems: strategies for environmental analysis. Pages 9-12 in: Proceedings, Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together, 1996 June 8-12, Baltimore, MD. Alexandra, VA: Water Environment Federation. [20k]
Rieman, B. 1993. Consideration of Extinction Risks for Salmonids. As FHR Currents # 14. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 12 pp. [1.61Mb]**
Roni, P. 2001. Responses of fishes and salamanders to instream restoration efforts in western Oregon and Washington. Project completion report. National Marine Fisheries Service (Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Environmental Conservation Division), and Bureau of Land Management, cooperative agreement. Seattle, WA. 142 pp. [1.14Mb]
Schneider, A.J. 1978. Legal aspects of instream water uses in California - background and issues. Staff paper no. 6. Govenor's Commission to Review California Water Rights Law. Sacramento, CA. 139 pp. [380k]**
Schuett-Hames, D., A.E. Pleus, J. Ward, M. Fox, and J. Light. 1999. TFW Monitoring Program method manual for the large woody debris survey. Prepared for the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources under the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Agreement. TFW-AM9-99-004. DNR #106. 66 pp. [2.21Mb]
Shaw, S.C. and D.H. Johnson. 1995. Slope Morphology Model Derived From Digital Elevation Data. In: Proceedings, 1995, NW Arc/Info Users Conference. Coeur d'Alene, ID. October 23-25, 1995. 12 pp. +attachment. [217k]**
Shields, F.D., Jr., N. Morin, and R.A. Kuhnle. 2001. Effect of large woody debris on stream hydraulics. In Proceedings of the conference on Wetland Engineering and River Restoration, Reno, Nevada, August 27-31, 2001. American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, VA. 12 pp. [1.2Mb]
Shirazi, M.A. and W.K. Seim. 1979. A stream systems evaluation--an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids. US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA-600/3-79-109. Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory. Corvallis OR. 44 pp. [352k]**
Sidle, R.C. 2000. Watershed challenges for the 21st century: A global perspective for mountainous terrain. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS–P–13. 12 pp. [57k]
Sigler, J.W., T.C. Bjornn, and F.H. Everest. 1984. Effects of chronic turbidity on density and growth of steelheads and coho salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 113:142-150. [651k]**
Smith, B. and D. Prichard. 1992. Riparian Area Management: Management techniques in riparian areas. Technical Reference 1737-6. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Denver, CO. 48 pp. [119k]
Smith, F.E. 1980. The Public Trust Doctrine - instream flows and resources. A discussion paper prepared by the California Water Policy Center. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, California-Nevada Area Office. Sacramento, CA. 32 pp. [97k], without picture pages.**
Spence, B. C., G. A. Lomnicky, R. M. Hughes, and R. P. Novitzki. 1996. An ecosystem approach to salmonid conservation. TR-4501-96-6057. ManTech Environmental Research Services Corp., Corvallis, OR. (Available at http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/1habcon/habweb/ManTech/front.htm ).
Stalnaker, C., B.L. Lamb, J. Henriksen, K. Bovee, J. Bartholow. 1995. The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology - A primer for IFIM. Department of Interior, National Biological Service. Washington, D.C. 49 pp. [1.48Mb]
Tappel, P.D., and T.C. Bjornn. 1983. A new method of relating size of spawning gravel to salmonid embryo survival. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 3:123-135. [247k]**
Thompson, W.L. 2000. Hankin and Reeves' approach to estimating fish abundance in small streams: Limitations and potential options. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Report to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA Report DOE/BP-25866-6. 25 pp. [ 195k]
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS). 1998. Elk River watershed analysis. Iteration 2.0. USFS, Pacific Northwest Region. Siskiyou National Forest. Powers Ranger District. Powers, OR. 192 pp. [7.42Mb]
U.S. Department of Interior, National Biological Service. 1995. The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology - A primer for IFIM. Washington, D.C. 49 pp. [1.48Mb]
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1997. Field and laboratory methods for macroinvertebrate and habitat assessment of low gradient nontidal streams. USEPA, Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams Workgroup. Environmental Services Division, Region 3. Wheeling, WV. 49 pp. [525k]
US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1997. Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual. USEPA, Office of Water. EPA 841-B-97-003. 214 pp. [2.14Mb] http://www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring/volunteer/stream/
Weaver, W.E. and D.K. Hagans. 1994. Handbook for forest and ranch roads: A guide for planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and closing wildland roads. Pacific Watershed Associates for Mendocino County Resources Conservation District. Ukiah, CA. 197 pp. [10.06Mb]**
Welsh, H.H., A.J. Lind, & D.L. Waters. 1991. Monitoring frogs and toads on Region 5 National Forests. As FHR Currents # 4. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 12 pp. [336k]**
Willson, M.F. 1997. Variation in salmonid life histories: patterns and perspectives. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-498. Portland, OR: U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 50 pp. [240k]
M.K. 1995. Resident Trout and Movement.: Consequences of a New Paradigm.
As FHR Currents # 18. US Forest Service, Region 5. Eureka, CA. 5 pp. [460k]**
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Many of our bibliographic resources are scanned and put through a process called "optical character recognition" or OCR. This process is far from perfect. While we do check all documents for errors, we know we find only the most noticeable. Numbers in tables (especially in small fonts) are particularly prone to be misread by the OCR. If you need to know that what you are reading is absolutely true to the original, please find an original and use it. The technology of this process is improving every year, but until it is infallible, please do not rely solely upon it. If you do discover errors, please e-mail them to Mary Claire Kier at mckier@krisweb.com, and I will fix them for future editions of KRIS. Thank you.