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KRIS Navarro : Chart Page

Area Basinwide
Topic Habitat: Habitat Types by Survey Length for Navarro R and Tribs 1996
Caption:  The chart reflects pool habitat availability, or the proportion of surveyed lengths of Navarro River and tributaries occurring as pool, riffle or flatwater habitat. Pool habitat by percent length (blue bars) ranged from 15% (Bear Wallow) to 43% (John Smith). While CDFG (1998) indicates streams with greater than 40% pools are optimal for salmonids, some reaches surveyed in the Navarro had fewer than 25% pools. John Smith Creek has over 40% pools due in part to recent large wood placement by Mendocino Redwood Company. Data were collected by Entrix et al. (1998) as part of the Navarro Watershed Restoration Plan. See Info Links for more information.

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