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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area Mainstem
Topic Habitat: Scour Pool Habitat by Length for Mainstem Navarro River 1996

Caption:  The Chart Table HAB_MSTEMNAV_SCOUR_DFG.DBF contains mainstem Navarro River summary data for the Source Table HAB_NAV_DFG.DB from Navarro River watershed habitat surveys in 1996. Streams were removed where no scour pool data were available. CDFG staff and CCC (CA Conservation Corps) collected data using CDFG protocol (California Department of Fish and Game, 1998). Summary data provided by the North Coast Region Water Quality Control Board in the Draft Assessment of Aquatic Conditions in the Mendocino Coast Hydrologic Unit. Field definitions are as follows (use F7 for optimal viewing): SURV_L_FT=Total length of stream surveyed in feet, CHN_TYP1=Rosgen channel type dominant , PCT_CT1=Percent length by dominant channel type, CHN_TYP2=Rosgen channel type subdominant, P_C_CHNT=Percent of surveyed length of channel type C, P_SCPL_L=Percent scour pools by length, P_SCPL_A=Percent scour pools by area, P_LWDP_L=Percent large-wood formed habitat by length, P_LWDP_A=Percent large-wood formed habitat by area, RFL_ML_FT=Mean length of riffle units, RIFL_PCT=Percent riffle habitat by length, FLW_ML_FT=Mean length of flatwater units, FLT_PCT=Percent flatwater habitat by length PL_ML_FT=Mean length of pool units, POOL_PCT=Percent pool habitat by length, DRY_ML_FT=Mean length of dry units, DRY_PCT=Percent dry habitat by length, CLVT_ML_FT=Mean length culvert habitat, CLVT_ML_PC=Percent culvert habitat by length, MCP_PCTL=Percent main-channel pool habitat by pool length, SPL_PCTL=Percent side-channel pool habitat by pool length, BWP_PCTL=Percent backwater pool habitat by pool length, PDEP_PLT2=Percent of pools with maximum depth less than 2 ft, PDEP_2T3=Percent of pools with maximum depth 2-3 ft, PDEP_PGT3=Percent of pools with maximum depth greater than 3 ft, SHLTR_AVG=Average shelter rating, EMBED_L1=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 1, EMBED_L2=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 2, EMBED_L3=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 3, EMBED_L4=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 4, EMBED_L5=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 5, EMBD_AVG=Average embeddedness rating, CAN_CONIF=Percent of stream banks covered by coniferous canopy, CAN_DECID=Percent of stream banks covered by deciduous canopy, STRAHLER_ORD=Strahler order, STRM_ORD=Stream order, BSN_AREA=Basin area in square miles.

 50 rows of a possible 51 have been displayed.
MainstemMill Creek34100f95g02833--351895605222--68072-01148425265424100-425814212.1
MainstemHungry Hollow Cre1972f100-04449--271063701911939--56--582517107033380-612910311.7
MainstemLittle Mill Creek4965b100-02837--27116575211215032272--393625587463970-424810311.5
MainstemFlume Gulch7620f85b03831--24343229223700--55-776222521523730-50428212.07
MainstemMarsh Gulch2692b100-04856--254035331827----49--831706122717170-343410211.4
MainstemMeyer Gulch3579b100-05148--59117146841792226671961249--593835521591703-473221211.3
MainstemMustard Gulch871b100-000----69564037--657100--622513220000100-9712210.7
MainstemMurray Gulch4285a58f05054--223735401623----50--7921049749-440-42535110.85

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