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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page
Area | Mainstem |
Topic | Sediment: Turbidity on Navarro River at Myers Property 1996-00 |
Caption: The Chart Table NAV_TURB_MN046.dbf contains filtered data for one site on the Navarro River. The source table NAV_TURB_MCWA.dbf is taken from data provided by Dennis Slota at Mendocino County Water Agency (MCWA) for the Navarro River. Data for flows comes from the USGS stream gauge on the Navarro River and represents mean daily flows in cubic feet per second (FLOW_CFS). Turbidity data were collected by trained volunteers and expressed as a grab sample in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (TURB_NTU).
50 rows of a possible 167 have been displayed.
MN046 | 12/1/96 | 50 | 0.8 |
MN046 | 1/5/97 | 1719 | 35 |
MN046 | 1/20/97 | 359 | 31.5 |
MN046 | 2/16/97 | 464 | 25.6 |
MN046 | 3/17/97 | 1472 | 98.6 |
MN046 | 11/2/97 | 21 | 2 |
MN046 | 11/10/97 | 24 | 0.3 |
MN046 | 11/17/97 | 738 | 207 |
MN046 | 11/30/97 | 1280 | 58.1 |
MN046 | 1/8/98 | 953 | 32.6 |
MN046 | 1/9/98 | 793 | 309 |
MN046 | 3/10/98 | 587 | 6.3 |
MN046 | 3/13/98 | 1572 | 87 |
MN046 | 1/16/99 | 221 | 19 |
MN046 | 1/23/99 | 3500 | 78 |
MN046 | 11/12/99 | 231 | 3.4 |
MN046 | 12/4/99 | 316 | 2.6 |
MN046 | 1/19/00 | 1916 | 192 |
MN046 | 2/2/00 | 1006 | 23 |
MN046 | 2/14/00 | 10950 | 692 |
MN046 | 2/24/00 | 2495 | 71 |
MN046 | 3/8/00 | 1432 | 45 | |