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KRIS Navarro : Chart Table Page

Area North Fork
Topic Habitat: Habitat Typing Reach Lengths NF Navarro Sub-basin 1996

Caption:  The Chart Table hab_nfnav_dfg.dbf contains summary data from North Fork Navarro sub-basin habitat surveys in 1996. CDFG staff and CCC (CA Conservation Corps) collected data using CDFG protocol (California Department of Fish and Game, 1998). Summary data provided by the North Coast Region Water Quality Control Board in the Draft Assessment of Aquatic Conditions in the Mendocino Coast Hydrologic Unit. Field definitions are as follows (use F7 for optimal viewing): SURV_L_FT=Total length of stream surveyed in feet, CHN_TYP1=Rosgen channel type dominant, PCT_CT1=Percent length by dominant channel type, CHN_TYP2=Rosgen channel type subdominant, P_C_CHNT=Percent of surveyed length of channel type C, P_SCPL_L=Percent scour pools by length, P_SCPL_A=Percent scour pools by area, P_LWDP_L=Percent large-wood formed habitat by length, P_LWDP_A=Percent large-wood formed habitat by area, RFL_ML_FT=Mean length of riffle units, RIFL_PCT=Percent riffle habitat by length, FLW_ML_FT=Mean length of flatwater units, FLT_PCT=Percent flatwater habitat by length, PL_ML_FT=Mean length of pool units, POOL_PCT=Percent pool habitat by length, DRY_ML_FT=Mean length of dry units, DRY_PCT=Percent dry habitat by length, CLVT_ML_FT=Mean length culvert habitat, CLVT_ML_PC=Percent culvert habitat by length, MCP_PCTL=Percent main-channel pool habitat by pool length, SPL_PCTL=Percent side-channel pool habitat by pool length, BWP_PCTL=Percent backwater pool habitat by pool length, PDEP_PLT2=Percent of pools with maximum depth less than 2 ft, PDEP_2T3=Percent of pools with maximum depth 2-3 ft, PDEP_PGT3=Percent of pools with maximum depth greater than 3 ft, SHLTR_AVG=Average shelter rating, EMBED_L1=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 1, EMBED_L2=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 2, EMBED_L3=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 3, EMBED_L4=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 4, EMBED_L5=Percentage of pool tails with embeddedness rating 5, EMBD_AVG=Average embeddedness rating, CAN_CONIF=Percent of stream banks covered by coniferous canopy, CAN_DECID=Percent of stream banks covered by deciduous canopy, STRAHLER_ORD=Strahler order, STRM_ORD=Stream order, BSN_AREA=Basin area in square miles.

 50 rows of a possible 838 have been displayed.
North ForkSB NF Navarro Riv93918b61f01613--37891535839----83-231343535123532210-4243154330
North ForkNB NF Navarro Riv26621c72f7232--3078136662223235--93-5165331845145540-4129304327.3
North ForkLittle North Fork34733b100-0-----25-59-12----100--3961011745451000-422434429.6
North ForkFlynn Creek18626f82f0147--251062395050361--85-2423523396491900-652312426.07
North ForkJohn Smith Creek14998f51b011--262044394441----99-0424117-21473200-433126325.8
North ForkLow Gap Creek5328b100-064--324830272526----91-3653143604238210-424513322.7
North ForkRose Creek5781g88a01516--477123151415----82-3662410250232660-325810221.8
North ForkBottom Creek6571f73b000--302072563323251--100--6774958711200-482428313.5
North ForkCook Creek15308b37f011--2820524828179716--99--56386824551220-462133213.5
North ForkBridge Creek1523f100-04650--26374029242600113754--71290736761260-325018212.4
North ForkMcCarvey Creek4036b100-06363--332555552220----34-250473963692090-334126211.9
North ForkBear Creek5115f100-057--26343734223200--95--76204240594100-265915111.9
North ForkBailey Creek7295f100-01114--28304143262700--87-35138122233231350-255124211.7
North ForkSoda Creek3080g100-02625--577027181713----67-783134290375850-36586211.6
North ForkSpooner Gulch1292f100-000--322758363628589--100--603010994060000-522523211.5
North ForkCamp 16 Gulch7186f100-0109--1593120233311638--90--67258525301990-77158311.4
North ForkShingle Mill Cree5028f100-05556--26978731717--40145--692566204050100-404218211.3
North ForkMatilla Gulch1526b100-000--191447523134----100--415366644371900-433522211
North ForkCoon Creek2249b100-01413--2441172419270083786--881202301558270-83710110.85
North ForkDeer Creek185b100-0----42910099----100--10000------na22753110.8
North ForkTank 4 Gulch8290g87b056--1710393125376822--90-47020102122020170-80137210.73
North ForkBig Gulch221g100-000--30271516810500--100--10000-----0na82171110.6
North ForkDead Horse Gulch421g100-000--8850592024004010100--1000050020200-10882210.39

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