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KRIS Navarro : Chart Page

Area Rancheria Creek
Topic Habitat: Pool Depth Rancheria Creek Sub-basin 1996
Caption:  The chart shows maximum pools depths for the Rancheria Sub-basin. The data illustrates how pools with depths in excess of 3 feet are rare in the this area. Streams are sorted by Strahler order, with larger streams at the top. Data for the mainstem Rancheria Creek contained an entry for 63% pools greater than 3 feet, but no other data. According to CDFG benchmarks, streams the Rancheria Sub-basin provide poor quality habitat for salmonid fish rearing (<25% pools greater than 3ft) (CDFG 1994). See Info Links for more information.

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To download the table with the chart's source data, click hab_nav_dfg.db (size 18,432 bytes)