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Pictures Page |
Info Page |
Map Page |
Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek at Highway 253 Bridge June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Barrier Removal Projects, 1979 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Fish and Wildlife Photos, 1979 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek High Winter Flows, 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Streamside Slides June 2002 Part 1 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Streamside Slides June 2002 Part 2 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Upland Grazing June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson Creek Upland Vegetation June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson/Soda Creek Stream Channel Photos June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Anderson/Soda Creek Upland Erosion from Roads |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Photos Anderson Creek Soil Conservation Corps Revetment 1972 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Before/After 1984-2001 #1 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Before/After 1984-2001 #2 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Before/Damage from 1983 Floods |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Early Years 1984-1995 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Flood (1995) and Larger Deflectors |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Massive Vegetated Hard Points 1997-98 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Vegetated Hard Point Colonization/Scour |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Restoration Tebbutt's Vegetated Hard Points 2001 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Robinson Creek channel photos 2001-02 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Soda Creek Stream Channel Photos June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Soda Creek Upland Grazing Photo June 2002 |
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Anderson Creek |
Tour |
Soda Creek Upland Vegetation 2002 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Anderson Valley air photos 2001 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Anderson Valley Historical Photos |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Current vs. Potential Shade and Temperature, TMDL |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Masonite Road Construction Photos, Part 1 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Masonite Road Construction Photos, Part 2 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Navarro River Historical Photos, Part 1 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Navarro River Historical Photos, Part 2 |
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Basinwide |
Tour |
Navarro River Large Wood Barrier Removal Project |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Elk Creek Estuary photos April 1974 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Elk Creek Estuary-Lagoon and Upland Vegetation February 2002 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Elk Creek photos September 1976 Part 1 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Elk Creek photos September 1976 Part 2 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Elk Creek Wood Removal 1982 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Lower Elk Creek Stream Channel Conditions February 2002 Part 1 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Lower Elk Creek Stream Channel Conditions February 2002 Part 2 |
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Elk Creek |
Tour |
Soda Creek Logjams 1993 |
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Map |
Elk Creek |
Tour |
Sulphur Creek Barrier Modifications 1993 |
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Map |
Estuary |
Tour |
Navarro River Estuary April 2002 Part 1 |
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Estuary |
Tour |
Navarro River Estuary April 2002 Part 2 |
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Estuary |
Tour |
Navarro River Estuary Beach Seining 1996-97 |
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Estuary |
Tour |
Navarro River Estuary Historic Photo |
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Greenwood Creek |
Tour |
Greenwood Cr Riparian Vegetation and Large Wood Feb 2002 |
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Greenwood Creek |
Tour |
Greenwood Creek Lower Reach and Estuary Feb 2002 |
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Greenwood Creek |
Tour |
Greenwood Creek near Hwy 1 February 2002 |
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Greenwood Creek |
Tour |
Greenwood Creek photos 2001 |
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Greenwood Creek |
Tour |
Greenwood Creek Watershed and Vegetation 2001 and 2002 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek and North Fork Indian Creek air photos 2001 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Barrier Removal Projects, 1995-1996 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Channel and Watershed Photos 1995 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Channel Types 1995 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Large Wood and Riparian 1995 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Legacy from Previous Logging 1995 Part 1 |
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Indian Creek |
Tour |
Indian Creek Legacy from Previous Logging 1995 Part 2 |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Mainstem Navarro air photos of tributaries 2001 |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Mainstem Navarro River air photos 2001 |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Mainstem Navarro River photos 2001 |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Mill Creek photos 1995-2000 |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Navarro River High Winter Flow Photos, 2002 (also vs. low flow) |
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Mainstem |
Tour |
Slump above Highway 128 in Anderson Valley, 2002 |
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North Fork |
Tour |
Flynn Creek Dry Season Photos 2001 |
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North Fork |
Tour |
Flynn Creek High Winter Flow Photos 2002 |
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North Fork |
Tour |
North Fork Navarro River High Winter Flow Photos 2002 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Beebe Creek High Winter Flows 2002 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Ham Canyon Cr Historic Ground Photos, Log Jam Removal 1963 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Air photos 2001 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek High Winter Flows 2002 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Historic Air Photos Big Bend 1952 and 1965 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Riparian Conditions 1995 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Road Field Photos 1995 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Stream Channel 1995 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Rancheria Creek Vegetation Types 1995 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Shearing Creek High Winter Flows 2002 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Upper Rancheria Creek and Tributaries Channel Photos 2001 Part 1 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Upper Rancheria Creek and Tributaries Channel Photos 2001 Part 2 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Upper Rancheria Creek and Tributary Beebe Creek 2001 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Upper Rancheria Creek and Tributary Shearing Creek 2001 |
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Rancheria Creek |
Tour |
Upper Rancheria Creek from Mountain View Road 2001 |
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