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Americano and Stemple Creek

Buell and Associates. 1988. Estero Americano study, reclamation alternative evaluation. Freshwater resident/anadromous fisheries development potential. Prepared for David W. Smith Consulting. 70 pp. Note: Citation only.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1946. Personal observations of Estero Americano Creek on August 15, 1946. Unpublished CDFG file memo by L. Shapovalov. Yountville, CA. 1 pp. Note: Citation only.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1961. Proposed dam on headwaters of Stemple Creek, Sonoma County. September 20, 1961. Unpublished CDFG file memo by J.S. Day. Yountville, CA. Note: Citation only.

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1976. Stemple Creek (Pacific Ocean tributary) stream survey, 14 July 1976 . Unpublished CDFG file memo by A. Baracco. Yountville, CA. 5 pp. [500kb]**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1977. Memo to Lt. B. Hawks regarding fish kill investigation in Estero Americano (Pacific Ocean tributary), 13 April 1977. Unpublished CDFG file memo by J.G. Lemieux. Yountville, CA. 1 p. [38kb]**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1987. Memo to T. Mayer (Sonoma County Public Works) regarding Americano Creek (Pacific Ocean tributary), 22 February 1987. Unpublished CDFG file memo by B. Cox. Yountville, CA. 1 p. [11kb]**

California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). 1991. Memorandum regarding sampling for freshwater shrimp in the headwaters of Stemple Creek. November 19, 1991. Unpublished CDFG file memo by B. Cox. Yountville, CA. 2 pp. Note: Citation only.

California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB). 1995. Stemple Creek water quality characteristics and a maximum daily load process, Marin and Sonoma Counties . CRWQCB, North Coast Region . Santa Rosa, CA. 33 pp. [1.1Mb]**

California State Coastal Conservancy and Circuit Rider Productions Inc. 1987. Sonoma County Coastal Wetlands Enhancement Plan. March, 1987. Note: Citation only.

CH2M Hill. 1990. Santa Rosa subregional water reclamation system long term detailed studies: Development of reclamation alternative, Phase 2 draft report. Note: Citation only.

Chatham, S. and H. Appleton. 1988. Stemple Creek watershed inventory of erosion sites, May 1998. Prepared for the Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District and Marin Resource Conservation District by Prunuske Chatham Inc. Note: Citation only.

Madrone Associates. 1977. The natural resources of Esteros Americano and de San Antonio. Prepared for California Department of Fish and Game, Coastal Wetland Series #20. 81 pp. plus appendices Note: Citation only.

Merritt Smith Consulting. 1996. Aquatic biological resources impact analysis report. Santa Rosa Subregional Long-term Wastewater Project. Prepared for City of Santa Rosa and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . Prepared by Merritt Smith Consulting for Harland Bartholomew & Associates. Lafayette, CA. 62 pp. [1.4Mb]

Merritt Smith Consulting. 1996. Aquatic habitat survey results. Santa Rosa Subregional Long-term Wastewater Project. Prepared for City of Santa Rosa and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prepared by Merritt Smith Consulting for Harland Bartholomew & Associates. Lafayette, CA. 33 pp. [161kb]

Merritt Smith Consulting (MSC). 1996. Aquatic life survey results. Santa Rosa Subregional Long-term Wastewater Project. Prepared for City of Santa Rosa and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . Prepared by MSC for Harland Bartholomew & Associates. Lafayette, CA. 30 pp. [1.6Mb]

Merritt Smith Consulting (MSC). 1996. Environmental conditions in west County waterways. Santa Rosa Subregional Long-term Wastewater Project. Prepared for City of Santa Rosa and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Prepared by MSC for Harland Bartholomew & Associates. Layfette, CA. 206 pp. [11.8Mb]

Philip Williams & Associates Ltd (PWA). 1993. Geomorphic and hydrodynamic analysis for the Estero de San Antonio Enhancement Plan. Prepared for Mendocino County Water Agency by P.B. Williams and C.K. Cuffe. San Francisco, CA . 34 pp. [235kb]**

Prunuske Chatham Inc. 1994. Stemple Creek/Estero de San Antonio watershed enhancement plan. Prepared for Marin Resource Conservation District and Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District. Occidental, CA. 175 pp. [1.2Mb]**

Prunuske Chatham Inc (PCI). 1996. Stemple Creek/Estero de San Antonio, 319(h) Nonpoint Source Water Quality Enhancement Program, final report. Prepared for the Marin Resource Conservation District and Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District. Note: Citation only.

Questa Engineering Corporation . 1996. Baseline hydrology and irrigation drainage evaluation for West and South County reclamation alternatives. Santa Rosa Subregional Long-term Wastewater Project. Prepared for the City of Santa Rosa and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Note: Citation only.

Salisbury, D. L. 1997. Total maximum daily load and attainment strategy for the Stemple Creek watershed. Prepared for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region. Santa Rosa, CA. 38 pp. [164kb]** 164k.

Swanson, M. L. 1986. An overview of the effects of watershed degradation on the coastal resources of four coastal watersheds in Sonoma County. Prepared for Circuit Rider Productions. Note: Citation only.

U.S. Department of Agricultural - Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2002. Stemple Creek Watershed Project, Marin and Sonoma Counties, California. Draft Watershed Project Plan and Environmental Assessment. May 2002. Sponsored by Marin Resource Conservation District and Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District. Note: Citation only.

Williams, P. B. and C. K. Cuffe. 1993. Geomorphic and hydrodynamic analysis for the Estero de San Antonio enhancement plan In Stemple Creek/Estero de San Antonio Watershed Enhancement Plan. Prepared for the Marin County Resource Conservation District by Philip Williams & Associates, Ltd . San Francisco, CA. 34 pp. [237kb]**

Winchester, W. D., R. L. Raymond, and D. L. Salisbury. 1995. Stemple Creek water quality characteristics and a maximum daily load process, Marin and Sonoma Counties. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. Santa Rosa, CA. 33 pp. [1.1Mb]**


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