Bibliography Background About KRIS
Eel River Fisheries Articles and Excerpts 1891-1902
Compiled by Susie Van Kirk, 1996
Arcata Union (AU) Arcata, 1886-1995
Blue Lake Advocate (BLA) Blue Lake, 1888-1969
Daily Humboldt Times (DHT) Eureka, 1874-1967 [Times-Standard]
Daily Times-Telephone (DTT) Eureka [DHT during 1880s]
Ferndale Enterprise (FE) Ferndale, 1878-present
Humboldt Standard (HS) Eureka, 1876-1967
Humboldt Times (HT) Eureka, 1854-1967 [Times-Standard]
Weekly Humboldt Times (WHT) Eureka [HT after daily started]
Weekly Times-Telephone (WTT) Eureka [weekly HT during 1880s]
FE (2 Jan. 1891) The cannery packed about 800 barrels of salt fish this season...It is rumored that A. Pardini & Co. are negotiating for the purchase of the Eel river cannery.
FE (6 March 1891) Steelhead salmon are still being caught in Eel river. We understand they are worth 4 1\2 cts. per pound in the San Francisco market.
FE (7 Aug. 1891) J.A. Swett caught a ton and a half of herring Tuesday in Eel river in one haul.
FE (21 Aug. 1891) Steelhead salmon are beginning to run up Eel river, says the Advance.
FE (25 Sept. 1891) Frank Leggs' fish house on Cheney slough, near the cannery...was destroyed by fire...
FE (2 Oct. 1891) Fish Commissioner Wilson has sent to President Jordan of the Leland Stanford, Jr. University, samples of the trout or young salmon caught in Eel river, asking for his opinion as to what species of fish they belong...President David S. Jordan...has settled the question as to the genus and species of the fish now being caught by [the] thousands in Eel river. He says they are young steelheads. The anglers who have, for years, broken the fish laws in the winter and spring by catching trout in the little coast streams have attempted to justify their action by insisting that the fish were young salmon, but that defense is no longer tenable, for the steelhead is a trout.--Times.
FE (23 Oct. 1891) H.M. Wetherbee, one of the superintendents in the employ of the Cutting Packing Co., arrived on Sunday's steamer and will oversee salmon salting operations at the cannery.
FE (30 Oct. 1891) Salmon Trolling--Salmon trolling has become a very popular amusement with the Ferndale sportsmen. Sunday Eel river, in the cannery section, was lined with fishermen and quite a quantity of salmon was taken...
FE (20 Nov. 1891) The Herald suggests that a fish hatchery for the propagation of steelheads be established on Eel river...
FE (20 Nov. 1891) George H. Koppitz of the State Board of Fish now engaged in planting a half million salmon eggs in Eel river with a view of stocking that stream with a new species of salmon...
FE (20 Nov. 1891) J.A. Swett struck a school of salmon in Eel river Sunday night and made a three-ton catch, the only haul of consequence that has been made this season.
FE (27 Nov. 1891) Salmon are said to be plentiful in Mad river. What's the matter with Eel river this season?...Salmon fishing is about at an end in Eel river. The cannery crews were discharged...Our fishermen have not had much of a harvest this fall.
FE (11 Dec. 1891) Eel river fishermen have been catching a number of steel heads of late, but Wednesday's freshet put an end to seining for a few days at least...Quite a number of steel head salmon found their way into Salt river a few days ago, but the fishermen captured most of them.
FE (15 Jan. 1892) Eel river fishermen are shipping quite a number of steel head salmon to San Francisco these days. Saturday's Pomona carried away 70 cases.
FE (5 Feb. 1892) The Alaska salmon canners have formed a combination and but 10 of the 40 Alaska canneries will run the coming season. The pack is to be limited to 400,000 cases and the profits of the season's work are to be divided among the different canneries on the basis of last year's pack. Among the canneries that are to remain idle are those of the Cutting Packing Co., consequently the Humboldt boys who for the last few years have found employment up north with this company, will have to seek work elsewhere this summer.
FE (25 March 1892) Steel-heads are still being seined in Eel river.
FE (1 July 1892) J.A. Swett is drying fish for the San Francisco market.
FE (26 Aug. 1892) J.A. Swett is catching large quantities of herring in Eel river for smoking purposes.
FE (2 Sept. 1892) Messrs. Chapin, Galloway, Fennessy, and Garland Dungan camped out on Price Creek Saturday night and returned with 45 fine large trout.
FE (23 Sept. 1892) Fishermen are getting their boats, nets, etc. in readiness to fish in Eel river for salmon. The close season expires Oct. 1st.
FE (7 Oct. 1892) The fishing smack Dauntless is still in Eel river and will remain all winter. She hails from San Francisco and her crew of two men will put in the season gill-netting.
FE (7 Oct. 1892) The cannery at the mouth of Eel river will not operate this season. Notwithstanding this fact, several fishermen will put in the season gill-netting and seining in the river and Saturday morning found quite a number beginning operations. Salmon are said to be quite plentiful and some good catches are reported.
FE (21 Oct. 1892) The prospects for a successful fishing season in Eel river this year are not very bright and the fishermen are not in very good spirits in consequence. The rain of a week ago, however, caused a few salmon to come into the river and a number of small catches are reported. We are told that the biggest catch made at one haul by a seineman at the mouth of Eel river in the past two weeks was that of J.A. Swett on Tuesday last. Twenty-eight was its size.
FE (28 Oct. 1892) Fisherman J.A. Swett caught a large shark in Eel river last Friday. It measured over five feet in length.
FE (28 Oct. 1892) Salmon are still very scarce in Eel river and fisherman Swett informs us that he does not anticipate a very large run before the middle of November. The catch is hardly large enough to supply the local demand and Mr. Swett says he gets four cents a pound for all the salmon that gets into the meshes of his seine.
FE (4 Nov. 1892) Salmon were reported Monday as getting a little more plentiful in Eel river. J.A. Swett caught a ton and a half at one haul on the afternoon of that day.
FE (11 Nov. 1892) Salmon were more plentiful in Eel river last week than they have been this season, but they have now again become a scarce quantity and fishermen are almost induced to hang up their seines. It has been several years since fish were as scarce in the river as they are at the present time.
FE (25 Nov. 1892) Several years ago salmon fishing was a source of much revenue to Eel river valley, but of late years, scarcely a dollar has been made by those engaged in this industry, owing to the scarcity of fish in Eel river. So far this season the catch has amounted to almost nothing and from all indications the fishermen at the close of the year will have little to show for
their labor. In conversation with one of the pioneer fishermen of the valley the other day, he expressed the opinion that the only way of affording absolute protection to the salmon industry is to enact a law prohibiting the catching of salmon on the spawning grounds, or above tide water. He claimed that with such a law, strictly enforced, Eel river would in a few years be abundantly stocked with fish. We give this argument for what it is worth.
FE (13 Jan. 1893) A Letter from Lower Island--Ed. Enterprise:
Eel river has run down to almost its summer size at the cannery and has not done any cutting along the banks for several days past, except on the Adams place where it still cuts upon the falling of every large tide. J.A. Swett has begun to move his fishing camp from where the buildings now stand to a new location across the slough on the lower end of Cock Robin Island...Mr. Swett has lost much land during the last high water and expects that the balance of it, together with his buildings, will all go with another high water, hence the removal...The local fish buyers are still paying 2 1\2 and 3 cents per pound for fish...Frank Legg came down from Fortuna the other day and hauled his large seine away, which has been here since salmon fishing closed. Frank says he will never fish on the lower river again...Steelhead.
FE (20 Jan. 1893) Letter from Lower Island--Ed. Enterprise:
...Few people realize the value of the fishing industry to this valley and too much attention cannot be given in the preservation, protection, and propagation of the fish of Eel river. This industry is second to none in this valley at this season of the year. There are over 200 men engaged in fishing at the present time on this stream and between two and three thousand dollars are brought to the valley every week from the sale of fish caught in Eel river...
J.A. Swett has placed 75 choice steel-head salmon in his smoke house, which he will sell to his local customers...Salt salmon are worth $10.50 per barrel and fresh fish are still selling at 2 1\2 and 3 cents per pound on the river...Steelhead.
FE (27 Jan. 1893) Letter from Lower Island, Cannery Section--Ed. Enterprise:
The gradual disappearance of the salmon is something that should cause concern on this coast. The catch in the last year is only a fraction of that of years gone by, and even the artificial measures (of which we here have none) have about come to an end. The amount of spawn secured at the McCloud hatchery has been insignificant and the salmon will soon be extinct in California waters unless some adequate measures are taken to protect and restock the streams. There is no mystery in the cause of the decline of the salmon. The fish have been mercilessly hunted, and the Cutting Packing Co.'s superintendent, Mr. Wetherbee, says there is no stream on the Pacific Coast that is fished as closely as Eel river. He thinks that the salmon run for Eel river is a thing of the past. Salmon canning factories multiplied as long as there was a good profit in the business, but when the scarcity was first felt, instead of leading the fishermen to take measures to protect the fish, these factories only encouraged more strenuous efforts to take all that could be caught, and now there are none to catch.
The laws we have to protect the salmon are entirely inadequate when enforced, and are by no means enforced. Whether anything can be done for California streams or not is doubtful. There is no popular sentiment behind the law making a close season and juries along the river will nine times out of ten acquit those who violate the laws, and if tried by a Justice they manage by some means to escape the meshes of the law. The self interest of the fisherman will not lead him to either observe or enforce the law. He argues that if he fails to catch the fish somebody else will. He, therefore, captures without regard to close seasons or chances of future catches. This state of affairs has been existing on other streams on this coast, and the last few years have almost put an end to the salmon run in the Sacramento River, and the salmon in Alaskan waters are doomed in the same manner...
The writer is of the opinion that the proper place to protect the fish is on the spawning ground. It is a well known fact that the fish never spawn in tide water, and when they once reach the head of tide water, they should not be disturbed, and we would soon have as many fish as ever. In Eel river the tide flows as far up as Fortuna, so you can readily see that a great many fish would spawn, which are now caught by parties fishing from Fortuna to Pepperwood. The few prohibitory hours from Saturday at sunrise to Sunday at sundown only enables the fish to pass from the lower to the upper fishing grounds and they are thereby afforded no protection in the least. A well-signed petition should at once be prepared and forwarded to our representatives in the Senate and Assembly, and we could then hope to have the legislation necessary to prevent the extermination of one of our principal industries...The last steamer carried away one of the largest shipments of steelheads that has left this year. The local fish buyers are still paying 2 1\2 and 3 cents per pound, and as there is plenty of fish (steelheads), all are happy...Steelhead.
FE (3 Feb. 1893) Protect the Salmon--In the opinion of the Enterprise there is at present no question of greater concern to the people of this county demanding immediate attention worse than that of the preservation of salmon in the waters of Eel river. In our last issue we published a lengthy communication from a resident of the cannery section, the major portion of which was given to a discussion of the gradual decrease of the salmon run in Eel river during the few years that have passed, and an investigation this week has proved to us that the assertions of "Steelhead" were not far from being correct. In conversation with a gentleman who has been fishing in the waters of Eel river for more than fifteen years past without having missed a single season, we learned that fifteen years ago the seines in use on Eel river were about 100 fathoms in length--running from 65 to 100 fathoms--the longest being exactly 110 fathoms. The owner of this latter monster seine (it was a monster in those days) experienced no trouble most of the time in catching sufficient salmon at a single haul to keep his crew of men busily at work throughout the following day. Neither had the owner of a 65-fathom seine any trouble those days in securing all the fish he could care for, while today he has to do some lively skirmishing to get more than enough to supply the home market. With each recurring season the salmon supply grew less and the seines grew longer, and the latter have continued to grow until they now range in length from 200 to 315 fathoms, and have several hundred feet of line attached to each end.
As an evidence of what salmon fishing amounts to in Eel river at the present time, we will state that during the season just passed, F. Legg and Bro., who have the largest seine on the river, have shipped 18 barrels of salt fish to San Francisco, while J.A. Swett, who uses a seine 200 fathoms in length, has shipped 16 barrels. We feel perfectly safe in saying that the entire catch of the three largest seines ever on Eel river (one of which we believe belongs to Wm. Ellery) will amount to much less this season than could have been caught with one seine 100 fathoms in length a few years ago. The Cutting Packing Co.'s cannery at the mouth of the river, valued at $30,000, has not operated since the fall of 1888, and the reason for this is obvious. When this institution last operated there was plenty of fish, the company paid from $40 to $50 per ton, and as a result of the season's work over $30,000 were put in circulation in this valley, a large portion of which found its way to Eureka and other parts of the county. The cannery with its rust-covered machinery is considered by its owners to be of too little value to move back from the brink of the river where it now stands and it will be swept into the surging waters with the coming of the next large freshet. Mr. Swett, the pioneer fisherman of the valley, informs us that he has packed as high as 2,200 half-barrels in one season, and did so with one-half the seine and crew that were necessary to catch and pack this season's catch.
The Enterprise favors immediate and vigorous legislation prohibiting the catching of salmon with seines above tide water in all streams of this county and would most earnestly urge that a petition be prepared and presented to the Board of Supervisors, in whom by a recent act of the Legislature, is vested the power of regulating the catching of fish, asking for the passage of an ordinance forthwith. It is a well known fact that many fish are caught above tide water where they always go for the purpose of spawning. Only a short time since, information came to us that nearly two tons of salmon were caught near the mouth of Price Creek at one haul and this too on a Saturday night during prohibited hours, being hauled away very early the following morning. Salmon average several thousand eggs per head, and if we are to presume that one half this catch, or about 100 fish, would have spawned, we can form some idea of the extent of the damage done to the industry so important to this valley by this single catch. The men who made the catch, we are told, were not residents of the Price Creek section, but were parties who went there from abroad for the sole purpose of raiding the grounds...
The Enterprise voices the opinion of nine out of ten of the residents of this valley when it states that unless legislation of some kind is had immediately, our most important food fish will ere long become a thing of the past in the waters of Eel river.
FE (10 Feb. 1893) ...a petition is shortly to be circulated in this section asking the supervisors to prohibit the catching of salmon with seines above tide water in all streams of the county...
FE (17 Feb. 1893) Reply to Babcock--Ed. Enterprise:
I noticed an article in the Times of the 14th inst., from the pen of Chief Deputy Babcock in relation to the preservation of salmon in Eel River, which, in my opinion, contained some statements sorely in need of correction. Under Section 25, Paragraphs 29.5 and 38 of the County Government Act, the Board of Supervisors of counties are given the power to change the open season and to regulate the size of meshes in use in fishing. The regulation mesh, as prescribed by the State, is 7 1\2 inches. Our Board of Supervisors found that owing to the size of the fish in Eel River, the regulation mesh was too large, and wrought great havoc among the fishermen in this locality; hence they very sensibly regulated the size of the mesh according to the size of the fish. The fishermen did fish one season with 7 1\2 inch meshes, and did it too, when fish were quite numerous as compared with the present, but they failed to make expenses, hence the change.
The writer of the article in the Times wants the mesh changed from 6 inches, the size used here at present, to 7 1\2 inches, saying with the 6 inch mesh the fishermen are catching small salmon weighing less than 3 pounds. This statement is, I think, doing our fishermen an injustice, as well as showing the ignorance of the writer on the subject.
I have been engaged for several months past in catching fish in the waters of Eel River and have never yet seen a fish caught which weighed less than 7 pounds. I can furnish plenty of proof that a 6 inch mesh in a seine will not catch an 8 pound fish, when a gillnet will scarcely hold one weighing 7 pounds. I have seen Swett, Ellery, Legg and Cutting Packing Co. landing their seines (who all use a 6 inch mesh) without obtaining any fish at all, while a man who lays a gillnet behind the seine would catch as high as 43 fish weighing from 7 to 10 pounds each. This will certainly prove that fish weighing under 10 pounds cannot be caught with a seine, which has 6 inch meshes. I say protect the fish, but protect them on their spawning grounds which are above tide water. A 20-pound salmon can easily be drawn through a 7 1\2 inch mesh. Mr. Smith does his duty to the best of his ability, but there are men at the present time fishing above Rio Dell...and raking the salmon out of the spawning grounds almost as far up as Camp Grant...They were catching quite a number at the old McDonald ferry yesterday...I say let the Board of Supervisors pass an ordinance what will prohibit the catching of fish with seines and gillnets above tide water and we will soon have plenty of fish...Hawkbill.
FE (17 Feb. 1893) Letter from the Lower Island--Ed. Enterprise:
...The river is very muddy at present and is kept so by the melting snow, which is a good thing for the fishermen as it enables them to fish by day instead of by night. Fish are very scarce at present and are worth 6 3\4 cents in San Francisco and are still raising in price, 3 1\2 and 4 cents are now paid on the river. J.A. Swett has given up fishing for the season...
FE (10 March 1893) From the way the fishermen trials culminated at Table Bluff last week, it would seem to the average reader that laws for the protection of fish are of about as much use as is the fifth wheel to a wagon. Everyone of the seven fishermen arrested near the cannery a few weeks ago by Deputy Smith were acquitted on the first ballot by Table Bluff juries, notwith-standing that the evidence in each case was almost as plain as the nose on one's face.
FE (28 April 1893) J.A. Swett made a big haul of herring on his grounds near the cannery Wednesday morning.
FE (21 July 1893) The Supervisors--...J.A. Swett appeared with a protest against the new fish ordinance adopted, claiming that the fishermen on Eel river would be unable to make a living with only one day in the week allowed for fishing...
FE (4 Aug. 1893) Fishermen Meet--At the Eel River cannery last Saturday afternoon, quite a number of fishermen and others interested in fishing met for the purpose of discussing the new ordinance and determining upon what change to ask the Supervisors to make...After considerable discussion, it was decided to demand four days fishing in the week, with seining and gill-netting prohibited above the Fortuna pontoon bridge, and a committee ...was appointed to appear before the Board...and present the demands. It will be asked that fishing be allowed from Monday sunrise to sunrise Wednesday and from Thursday sunrise to sunrise Saturday...
FE (11 Aug. 1893) Salmon of the silversides variety are already beginning to find their way into Eel river. Steel-heads will follow in plenty before the end of the month.
FE (18 Aug. 1893) In Regard to Salmon Fishing--At the session of the Board of Supervisors to convene next Monday, Eel river fishermen will ask that the intervals for catching salmon be fixed at Monday at sunrise to Wednesday at sunrise and from Thursday at sunrise to Saturday at sunrise. This request for four days' fishing out of seven seems to be reasonable, not only on the parts of the fishermen but in the interest of the propagation of salmon...
The Enterprise...believes that fishermen should declare their honest intentions in not evading the law or permitting it to be evaded. It believes a stop should be put to seining and gill-netting above tide water in Eel river...
FE (25 Aug. 1893) Board of Supervisors--In the afternoon the petition of the Eel river fishermen was received and considered. The former ordinance was finally modified in deference to the petition so as to allow fishing the full length of all streams in the county from Monday noon to Tuesday noon. From Tuesday noon to Friday noon, all streams may be fished up to 2 1\2 miles above tide water. These concessions are more than the fishermen asked for...
FE (8 Sept. 1893) Eel river is reported to be well filled with steelheads.
FE (15 Sept. 1893) Salmon trout and steelheads are very plentiful in Eel river. The stream is almost alive with anglers on Sundays, many of whom come from Eureka.
FE (27 Oct. 1893) Salmon have been very plentiful in Eel river for the past week and sportsmen and fishermen have enjoyed unprecedented luck. Since Saturday trolling has rewarded its devotees with many fine fish and the sport of catching them was far better than the fish. Monday afternoon, J.A. Swett took seven tons of salmon in his seines, all of which with many more were shipped to San Francisco by the steamer Weeott on Wednesday.
FE (24 Nov. 1893) Information reaches us that a few days ago Deputy Fish Commissioner Smith dropped [in] on one or two seines of unlawful mesh in use on Eel river. There is many a good fisherman on this stream who will join with us in lamenting the impossibility of the law to deal out justice to offenders such as are the parties in this case. If we are to have laws for the protection of fish, let them be rigidly enforced; if they are not to be enforced, then eliminate them from the statutes. Blame cannot properly be attached to the Commissioner for refusing to arrest these parties, for numerous acquittals by juries in the past proves it to be of little use for him to make arrests.
FE (1 Dec. 1893) The Times Is Off--...The Eel river cannery has not operated since the fall of 1889 and the reason, as explained by the company itself, is the scarcity of fish in that stream, fishermen being unable to catch sufficient to enable them to profitably sell to the company at a price which they can afford and did pay when the supply was more plentiful.
By reference to the files of the Enterprise of 1889, we find that the Cutting Company brought to Eel river that year fifty Chinese to do work which they claimed was not wanted by white men and which, they also claimed, could not be done at white men's wages to the profitable operation of the institution. The people of this section at first opposed the bringing of the Chinese, but realizing that the cannery's operation meant the putting into circulation of about $40,000 in the valley, and being promised that upon its shutting down the mongolians would be taken away, and as the Cutting Co. sold their property here to the Pacific Coast Canning Co. a short time after, it remains to be seen whether or not the latter will feel themselves obligated to keep the agreement made by their predecessors...
FE (15 Dec. 1893) Gill-netters are very numerous on Eel river. Steelheads are said to be very plentiful.
FE (15 Dec. 1893) Thus speaks the Nerve on the hatchery question:
That salmon are woefully scarce in Eel river is apparent to all and that the river should have a hatchery cannot successfully be disputed. Mad river undoubtedly offers many advantages for such an institution and if the quality of fish was satisfactory, could undoubtedly furnish enough to stock the streams of the county. But it seems to be conceded that Eel river salmon are superior and, therefore, it would be a great mistake to lower the quality by introducing an inferior fish. A hatchery could be built on Eel river and successfully operated at very small expense, which would insure a supply of the same kind of salmon that now seek its waters and could also be used for propagation in other streams, thereby bettering conditions all around, or at least keep the present stock from deteriorating in quality...The Nerve hits the nail on the head.
FE (22 Dec. 1893) The Times is simply talking through its hat when it attempts to prove that the run of salmon on Eel River is of no better quality than that in adjacent streams. The Nerve, in its recent remarks on the subject, was correct, the Times and Prof. Jordan to the contrary notwithstanding. While we are ready to admit that Prof. Jordan is a high authority on piscatorial matters, we are by no means ready to accept his ideas--at least so far as Eel river is concerned--over those of a certain gentleman of sound judgment who has followed fishing as a continuous pursuit on Eel river for over twenty years. In a late interview with this gentleman, he heartily endorsed all our utterances on the hatchery, cannery and salmon questions, and stated that none but Alaskan and possibly Columbia River fish were of superior quality to the fish in this stream.
He also stated that to the best of his knowledge a "dog" salmon had never yet been caught in Eel river and expressed a full belief in the theory that salmon return to spawn in the same spawning grounds where they were originally hatched. Prof. Jordan's skepticism of this theory would seem to be at fault in the face of the fact that a few years ago R.D. Hume silver-marked the fins of the fry hatched in Rogue River and found most if not all of them back the next season.
Eel river boasts a better quality of salmon than does any other stream in Humboldt, and it matters not a picayune whether the sporting club president and Prof. Jordan think so or not. That there is an inferior run of fish in other county streams is quite evident from the fact that a few weeks ago some 500 pounds of Mattole river salmon were disposed of to J.A. Swett of Ferndale for only one cent per pound, and we can prove that this was paid solely on account of their very poor quality.
FE (26 Jan. 1894) Steelhead fishing is again in vogue on Eel river. Quite a number were caught this week.
FE (2 Feb. 1894) Steelheads were very scarce in Eel river this week and as there is little sign of their becoming more plentiful, fishermen are beginning to hang up their nets. The price has dropped from four to two cents. Sturgeon have made their appearance.
FE (2 March 1894) Fishing is over for this season. Steelheads have almost entirely disappeared in Eel river and in addition to that the stream is so full of snags that fishing would be impossible.
FE (17 Aug. 1894) Local sports have commenced spending their idle hours trolling for steelheads in Eel river, near the Jarvis mill...It is great sport.
FE (7 Sept. 1894) Eel river is full of dead smelt as far up as the mouth of the Van Duzen river, but what has caused this wholesale destruction of the little fish no one seems to know. The river is well stocked with steelheads and salmon trout, but sportsmen claim they will not bite owing undoubtedly to the fact that they are too well fed. The steelheads especially seem very fond of dead smelt.
FE (28 Sept. 1894) Port Kenyon Notes--...W. Wilkenson and P. Burris caught 250 lbs. of sardines in one haul of a 10-foot mosquito net the other day. The river is black with these fish and our salmon sharps predict a very large run of salmon in consequence...
FE (12 Oct. 1894) J.A. Swett's was the only seine in operation on Eel river this week, but probably next week several others will be at work. Mr. Swett tells us that there are not many fish in the river as yet, but that indications point to a larger run of salmon than was had last year.
FE (12 Oct. 1894) If the fall run of salmon in Eel river should be a large one, an unusual amount of the fish will be packed for export. The cannery will not be operated, in fact, it is not likely to ever be operated again. Geo. Collins of the lower river section tells us that the property has been so badly damaged by the floods of recent years that it is only a semblance of its former importance. The fishing grounds owned by the company have been leased and the surplus catch over and above [that] shipped fresh will be salted. For this class of cured fish, there is said to be a steadily increasing demand.--Daily Populist.
FE (19 Oct. 1894) J.A. Swett has purchased the cannery buildings near the mouth of Eel river and is having them torn down...
FE (2 Nov. 1894) Eel river gill-netters are doing well this season but the seinemen so far have not been favored with very big hauls of salmon.
FE (9 Nov. 1894) Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Turner who have been fishing in Eel river, making G.W. Weymouth's place at Price Creek their headquarters, left...for their home in San Francisco. They had excellent luck...
FE (16 Nov. 1894) Weymouth & Rey are shipping fresh fish every steamer to San Francisco...
FE (23 Nov. 1894) Henry Legg informs the Advance that a fish, commonly known as skate, of immense size, was captured at the mouth of the river last week. The species is quite abundant and are frequently taken in nets.
FE (7 Dec. 1894) Harry Van Duzer tells us that seining for salmon in Eel river is about at an end for this season, nearly all the large seines having already hung up, including J.A. Swett's. Harry says Mr. Swett has rented his nets to fishermen who will lay out for steelheads from now on. Salmon have not been overly plentiful in the river of late and the season has not been a very profitable one...Eel river is pretty well fished out and big hauls seem to be a thing of the past...
FE (4 Jan. 1895) The fishermen are catching plenty of steelheads in Eel river this week. They are getting 4 1\2 cents per pound for them on the river and 7 cents in the city.
FE (4 Jan. 1895) The up river fishermen have been violating the law and fish commissioner Collins paid them a visit last week. He gave one of them a surprise Monday that he will not soon forget and he will be apt to obey the law in the future.
FE (4 Jan. 1895) J.A. Swett tells us that about 40 feet of the bank at the old cannery site went out during the freshet of last week. The old cook house had to be torn down in order to save the lumber in it.
FE (11 Jan. 1895) J.A. Swett tells us that Eel river did great cutting in the cannery section the past week and he was compelled to move his smoke house and the lodging house used by his fishermen back nearly to the "brush patch." He says the cannery point washed off to the extent of about 200 feet and that of the old cannery site, nothing is left but the southwest corner...
FE (1 Feb. 1895) Communicated. The Salmon Industry--Mr. Editor:
Sometime ago you requested fishermen or others to send letters to your paper giving their ideas in regard to what would be the best law for the protection of salmon in Eel river. I think it would be a good plan to close the river for five years to seines and gill nets. Let the people fish with hooks all they wish. That is, make close months of October and November. On the first of December let the gill nets start to fish for steelheads and fish till the first of March and allow the fishermen to fish any time for steelheads. Do away with the four day law, but allow no fishing above tide water whatever. I believe one gill net does more harm scraping over the spawning grounds than twenty nets in the water. I think that plenty of fish get up the river during freshets--enough for spawning purposes--providing they are let alone while in the act of spawning. I know that a great many up-river fishermen will consider that this is unjust to them, but I don't see how it can be helped if we want to keep the river well stocked with fish. As far as the license law is concerned, I think it is unjust. If the State of California grants me a license to fish, I don't see how Humboldt County can stop me. Besides the law is no benefit to any one but the man who collects the license. He receives $3.75 and Humboldt County $1.25 for each license he issues. It is pretty tough to have to give a man $3.75 to collect $1.25 from you. Yours, Chow-wich-ey (Russian) King Salmon (English).
FE (29 March 1895) Seine fishing in Eel river is about at an end for this season.
FE (19 April 1895) Complaint comes from Price and Howe creeks that illegal fishing is being done there. At this time of the year, there are a great many large trout in those streams that presumably go there to spawn, and they are being taken by the hundreds. Those who indulge in this fishing had better restrain themselves or they will receive a visit from the fish commissioner.--Oracle.
FE (17 May 1895) Good fishing is reported in Howe creek.
FE (14 June 1895) As we understand it, should the provisions of the new state law regarding the catching of salmon be enforced, that industry on Eel river will be paralyzed. The new statute makes the months of September and October close months, thus prohibiting the taking of salmon until the first of November. This cuts the season on Eel river so short that it would not pay anyone to go to the expense of fitting up for fishing and besides, the smallest seine that can be legally used under the new law is of 7 1\2 inch mesh. Eel river fishermen are justly indignant as a reuslt of this piece of legislation and the enforcement of the law means the destruction of an industry which brings into the county not less than $25,000 annually. Down with such legislation.
FE (6 Sept. 1895) A number of Eel river fishermen held a meeting at Ferrari's camp last Saturday and resolved to make an appeal to the Supervisors to modify the law regulating the catching of salmon. A committee was appointed to solicit funds with which to employ an attorney to present the case of the fishermen properly to the Board. If the provisions of the new State law are enforced, without modification, it means death to the salmon industry on Eel river. The fishermen desire three closed days in the week and a six inch mesh instead of one close day and a 7 1\2 inch mesh, as the new state law provides.
FE (6 Sept. 1895) Deputy State Fish Commissioner W.P. Huestis has sent to the Ferndale Rod and Gun Club a printed copy of Bulletin No. 4, issued by the State Board of Fish Commissioners, containing an instructive discourse by Prof. David Starr Jordan on the subject of "Salmon and Trout of the Pacific Coast...":
Turning back to the Quinnat salmon, or the salmon of the Pacific Coast, we often find persons puzzled to distinguish its young from the various forms of trout. Any person who can count and will take the trouble to learn which of the fins is the anal fin--the one on the lower side just below the vent--can distinguish the young Quinnat salmon from any form of trout. All the so-called salmon of the Pacific Coast, all the species of Oncorhynchus, have an increased number of rays in the anal fin, from fourteen to twenty, while all forms of trout in whatever country, all the charrs, and the Atlantic Coast salmon, have in this fin but nine or ten rays. This is a matter of some importance in view of the fact that the fishery laws of this state discriminate between trout and salmon, permitting the catching of the one, when to take the other is forbidden.
Prof. Jordan, who by the way is [a] recognized authority on fish, also holds that steel-heads are trout and do not belong to the salmon family.
FE (6 Sept. 1895) Great numbers of Tom cod and other salt water fish are being caught at Swett's place near the mouth of Eel river.--Oracle.
FE (13 Sept. 1895) E.F. Kausen has a full line of fishing tackle and is prepared to compete with any eastern goods in this line. Kidney spoon hooks two for a quarter, or 15 cents each...
FE (13 Sept. 1895) The Humboldt Fish and Game Club has written to the California Fish Commission with a view of having the present fish laws amended in some way so that fishing on Eel river during the month of October would not be contrary to law, as it will have a tendency to kill the fishing industry in Humboldt county. They were informed that it would be impossible to grant their request and that every effort will be made to enforce the law to the letter and that Deputy Huestis will be instructed to that effect.
FE (13 Sept. 1895) Salmon fishing in Eel river will be virtually prohibited if the provisions of the new state law are enforced. This means a loss of from $40,000 to $50,000 to this county and the disastrous effects of this unwise piece of legislation will be keenly felt in this section.
FE (18 Oct. 1895) The new state law will cost Humboldt a good many thousand dollars, for the enforcement of its provisions regarding the catching of salmon and steelheads means the almost total distruction of that industry on Eel river. Down with such foolish legislation. The Supervisors seem powerless to afford any relief.
FE (18 Oct. 1895) Steelheads are running early in Eel river this season and are unusually large in size. The new state law is responsible.
FE (18 Oct. 1895) Salmon are numerous in Eel river, in fact, they are swarming.
FE (18 Oct. 1895) Fishermen are having great sport in Eel river. Spoon hooks are in demand.
FE (25 Oct. 1895) Indications pointed to an important gathering of "fish boys" last evening. A more pernicious or objectionable law was never passed in the state than the latest statute on salmon catching. Fish Commissioner Huestis Wednesday arrested two Grizzly Bluff citizens and before Judge Smith, charged the gentlemen with catching salmon contrary to the statute. The matter will be heard next Monday.
FE (1 Nov. 1895) The Grizzly Bluffers, charged with catching salmon with a troll contrary to the late fish statute, paid Judge Smith $7 apiece Monday.
FE (1 Nov. 1895) The open season for salmon commences today
...Sixty-seven fishing boats were counted on lower Eel river last Sunday. Trolling seems to be great sport, when the fish commissioner is not around.
FE (8 Nov. 1895) The second shipment of fresh salmon for the San Francisco market since the opening of the season last Friday was made on the Weeott last Saturday and amounted to 175 boxes. This with the amount taken on the Pomona Friday makes the total shipment for the first two days of the season 208 cases or about 42,000 pounds.
FE (8 Nov. 1895) J.A. Shaw and Will Davis caught 15 salmon one day last week with a troll...Some big hauls of salmon have been made by the seinemen on Eel river. Four or five tons of fish at one drag is not bad...The third large consignment of fresh salmon for the San Francisco markets for the season was shipped on the Pomona Tuesday and amounted to 55,200 pounds...
FE (8 Nov. 1895) The Oracle is informed that the upper Eel river and the Van Duzen have been visited by quite a run of fish this fall, owing to the rise in the river from the September rains. These fish have spawned and will help considerably in keeping up the fish supply.
FE (15 Nov. 1895) About 100 fishing boats could be seen on Eel river last Sunday.
FE (22 Nov. 1895) A number of Eel river fishermen met in Feather Hall, Cannibal [Island], last Saturday evening but adjourned to meet again tomorrow, Saturday evening at 7 p.m. at Swauger at which time the "steelhead" question will be considered. A full attendance is desired.
FE (22 Nov. 1895) Two cents per pound was the price paid for fresh salmon on Eel river the first of the week.
FE (22 Nov. 1895) Our Fishing Industry--We received a call last week from Mr. Robert Heckman, who returned not long since from Loring, Alaska, where he has been in the employ of the Cutting Packing Co. Mr. Heckman is interested in fishing on Eel river and with many others deplores the present condition of that industry. When the season opened, the market was soon glutted with fish, and the price soon sank so low that it scarcely paid to ship the fish to San Francisco. He said that the only way to keep the industry on a paying basis is to let one man handle all the fish caught on the river, the fishermen binding themselves to sell to him at a certain figure to be agreed upon which would give a profit to all concerned. The fishermen can afford to sell their fish on the river at $30 per ton, as this will give them a profit, provided, of course, that they are guaranteed this figure throughout the season. At present prices, when freight and commissions are taken out, there is but a small balance for the fishermen. The party handling the fish would put up a small cannery large enough to handle, if necessary, all the fish on the river. In this way, the San Francisco market would not be over crowded and fish would at all times command a good price. When the market was favorable, instead of canning the whole catch, a limited amount might be shipped with profit. By this means, everybody interested in the industry might be benefitted. Mr. Heckman expressed a willingness to build the cannery provided he could secure the co-operation of the fishermen. If they are wise they will give him all the encouragement in their power.--Oracle.
FE (29 Nov. 1895) Fish Commissioner W.P. Huestis swore complaints before Judge Smith last week charging A. and J.A. Moseley, W. Heffler, S. Peterson anhd L. McHamick with seining steelheads.
FE (29 Nov. 1895) As a result of a largely attended fishermen's meeting, held at Swauger last Saturday evening, the Eel river seinemen and gill-netters decided to fight the provisions of the new state fish law regarding the catching of steelheads. A committee was appointed to secure counsel to look after the interests of the fishermen.
FE (6 Dec. 1895) The Enterprise is informed that the Eel river fishermen propose to strictly obey the law which compels them to use nets with at least 7 1\2 inch meshes. They will continue to catch steelheads, however, and the general public is with them in this matter.
FE (6 Dec. 1895) Our town hall could hardly hold all the people who assembled last Saturday to listen to the trial of the case of the People vs. A. Mosely, charged with seining steelhead trout contrary to the statute. The case was heard before Judge Smith and a jury of twelve...Dist. Atty. Burnell represented the people and Messrs. McGowan and Gillette the defendant, Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis being the complaining witness. The case hinged on the point whether a steelhead was a trout or a salmon and the defense introduced the testimony of witnesses who claimed that the steelheads belonged to the salmon family. The prosecution relied on Prof. Jordan's decision that the steelhead was a trout. It took the jury but a few minutes to arrive at a verdict of not guilty and in consequence the fishermen went home jubilant.
FE (13 Dec. 1895) Trout or Salmon--The Examiner of the 6th inst. contains the following: L.M. Burnell, District Attorney of Humboldt County, writes to the board of fish commissioners from Eureka under date of the 2d inst. as follows:
"I have just returned from the trial of a party at Ferndale charged with having steelhead trout in his possession that were caught in a net. We were utterly unable to procure any evidence that the fish were trout, while the defense proved by numerous witnesses that they were one of the numerous varieties of salmon. Among the witnesses was Dr. Michel, who was stationed for several years on the Hoopa Indian Reservation. He is an ardent sportsman and took great interest in the hatchery located at that point.
"The jury, of course, believed his evidence and a verdict of not guilty was the result. I am satisfied that any action brought under the same circumstances will bring a like result. Every person in this county claiming to have any knowledge on the subject will testify that in their opinion the steelhead is not a trout but a salmon. I am satisfied that with the proper evidence, a conviction could be secured. But at the present time, the people here do not believe that the fish known here as the steelhead salmon is the steelhead trout of the penal code."
Secretary Babcock has furnished Mr. Burnell with the evidence at his command, but has requested him not to try any further charges until the expected decision is given in San Francisco.
FE (3 Jan. 1896) The Weeott, sailing Christmas afternoon, had aboard 14,400 pounds fresh salmon...
FE (10 Jan. 1896) Police Judge Low, says the Chronicle, dismissed the charge against A. Paladini, arrested some time ago for exposing trout for sale out of season. This is the case brought by the fish commissioners in an endeavor to have a judicial determination of the steelhead salmon trout question. Judge Low said, in discharging Paladini, that he had read all the authorities submitted to him, and as the line was so close, he could not determine the question. "I am neither a Solomon, an Isaak Walton, nor a David Starr Jordan," said the Judge, "and as my opinion would have no weight when experts cannot agree, I order the prisoner discharged."
FE (11 Feb. 1896) A Card from the Fishermen--To the Editor of the Enterprise:
Would you kindly state through your valuable paper that we, the fishermen of Eel river, demand to know what the State Fish Commissioner is going to do with the gill nets he has taken from several fishermen this season. Also, will he please inform us whether or not he has a right to take a net out of a boat without permission. And also, if he has any authority whatever to confiscate small mesh nets. If you remember, we beat the law for steelhead fishing, because it was proven that they were not trout and if they are not trout (and even Doctor Jordan says he never saw the specimen of fish), then how can the fish department enforce a law compelling us to use a certain sized mesh in fishing for steelheads? To our best knowledge there has never been a law passed in the legislature regulating the catching of steelheads or the size of mesh to be used in catching them. Thanking you for your kindness, we remain yours respectfully, Fishermen of Eel River.
FE (10 July 1896) Fly fishing in Eel river will soon be good. Several of our local sports have made some fair catches of late.
FE (20 Oct. 1896) Fishermen were numerous on Eel river Sunday and a number of fine "steelheads" were hooked.
FE (3 Nov. 1896) J.A. Swett made the first haul of the season with his seine in Eel river Sunday evening, catching 17 salmon. Quite a number will engage in fishing this fall and seines on the river will be numerous.
FE (3 Nov. 1896) Four Big Salmon--Last Sunday W.F. Kausen and wife and Frank and Charley Williams went trolling on Eel river and returned in the evening with four of as pretty salmon as you ever saw, which P.M. Canepa photographed yesterday morning. The largest one weighed 39 lbs. and was caught by Mrs. Kausen, Will landed the next largest one, weighing 38 lbs. and Frank and Charley Williams caught the other two, which tipped the scales at 28 lbs. each.
FE (6 Nov. 1896) The first shipment of fresh salmon from Eel river for the San Francisco market was made on the Pomona Tuesday--46,800 lbs. Of this amount, J. Ferrari shipped 80 cases, A. Rosaia & Co. 30 cases, the remaining 7 cases having been shipped by various individuals.
FE (10 Nov. 1896) The fish law expired Sunday November 1st and every person who catches or has in his possession any speckled trout, brook or salmon trout, or any variety of trout, before the 1st of next May, is guilty of a misdemeanor. So the state law says.
FE (13 Nov. 1896) Geo. L. Collins informed us yesterday that salmon have been too plentiful in Eel river for the past few days and that a number of fishermen have stopped catching them. The price has fallen from three cents last week to half cent this week.
FE (17 Nov. 1896) The largest catch of salmon reported so far this season is from lower Eel river. On Wednesday after an eight hour run, Steeves & Davis, with one gill net and boat, took 2,100 lbs., while Leighton & Payton caught 1,786, lbs.--Times.
FE (20 Nov. 1896) Fish Hatchery--Mr. Eric Ericksen received a dispatch this week from Fish Commissioner Huestis stating that Capt. Daugherty of Fort Gaston had notified him that it had been decided to establish a fish hatchery on Eel river next summer and that the hatchery would be located at some point below Scotia. The general opinion seems to be that near the mouth of either Howe or Price creek would be the proper place for the hatchery.
FE (24 Nov. 1896) Ad: Tell us the creek, river, lagoon or bay you wish to fish in and we can fit you out properly. Russ, Early & Williams Co.
FE (27 Nov. 1896) The object of the fishermen's meeting to be held in Ferndale tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, is to take the initiative toward securing certain amendments to the state fish laws. As the law now stands, October is a close month for salmon and thus, it is claimed, is almost ruinous to the fishing industry in this county, depriving those engaged in the industry of thousands of dollars each year and serving no beneficial purpose whatever.
FE (1 Dec. 1896) Fishermen's Meeting--The fishermen's meeting held in the K of P Castle, Ferndale, last Saturday afternoon, was well attended and among those present were Senator-elect J.N. Gillette and Assemblyman-elect E.C. Damon. A full discussion of the present statutes governing the catching of salmon was entered into and it was the unanimous opinion that the law, as it now stands, was unjust and ruinously detrimental to the fishing interests of this county. Messrs. Gillette and Damon signified their willingness and desire to work for an amendment to the present law to permit salmon fishing during the month of October and the use of a seven-inch mesh and also to prohibit the drawing of seines on the spawning grounds and for a certain distance above tide water. The recommendations of the State Board of Fish Commissioners to make December and January close months for steelheads was opposed and denounced and petitions to be used at the coming session of the legislature are to be prepared and circulated in this county at once, asking for the relief demanded by our fishermen.
FE (1 Dec. 1896) The steelheads are beginning to run in Eel river, the salmon run being nearly at an end.
FE (11 Dec. 1896) W.P. Huestis, the deputy fish commissioner, says that hereafter all those arrested for illegal fishing will be tried before the Superior Court and not in a Justice Court.
FE (25 Dec. 1896) A letter was received at this office yesterday containing a bitter complaint on behalf of many of the fishermen on Eel river, alleging that they are at the mercy of buyers who, they claim, pay them but 1 1\2 cents a pound for their fish while they sell the same for 4 1\2 and 5 cents per pound in the city. Reference is made in the letter to alleged fake returns used, it is claimed, to deceive the fishermen, etc. The writer adds that he has fished on Eel river for many years, and that this is the hardest year on fishermen he ever saw, notwithstanding fish in the city brings a good price. Personally, we know nothing of the merits of this controversy and give the above complaints simply as they are detailed by the writer.
FE (8 Jan. 1897) The Herald says: During a talk with Fish Commissioner Huestis, we learn that the fishermen on Eel river number about one hundred this season, quite a percentage over the usual number on the river...
FE (12 Jan. 1897) Fish Commissioner Huestis seized three more set nets on Eel river last week, two of which were of illegal mesh. They will be confiscated according to law. The owners are unknown...Fish Commissioner Huestis has ten fish nets now in his possession, which he secured while they were illegally set...
FE (19 Jan. 1897) Fishermen on Eel river say that the water is so clear in that stream that gill-net fishing is unprofitable.
FE (2 Feb. 1897) Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis recently confiscated three set nets on Eel river, one of which was of illegal mesh.
FE (5 Feb. 1897) The State Board of Fish Commissioners have decreed that hereafter all Indians engaged in salmon fishing on Eel river must pay the regular state license. This has been the law for some time but for various reasons, it has never been enforced. The authorities have determined to take action in the matter at an early date.
FE (19 Feb. 1897) Fish Commissioner Huestis returned to Eel river Sunday afternoon to take further cognizance of the course pursued by Indian fishermen in relation to the recent order of the State Fish Commissioners which requires them to pay a license. A great majority have already paid the license and those yet in default have agreed to do so. But the home commissioner finds it necessary to keep vigilent watch and will insist on immediate payment by all who avail themselves of the benefit to be derived from free access to the fishing grounds. As we understand it, white fishermen were first to complain, before the Indian tax was dictated, that the aborigines were indulging in a special privilege which detracted from the success of others engaged in the fishing industry. The problem seems likely to reach a happy solution as a result of Commissioner Huestis' untiring efforts.--
FE (12 March 1897) The New Fish Law--Assembly Bill No. 451 which has been approved by the governor is now in full force and effect. It prohibits the taking etc. of salmon trout, brook trout, or lake trout, or any other variety of trout except steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) between December 1st and April 1st of the following year; every person who buys, sells, and catches any steelhead trout between the 1st of February and the 1st of May each year and every person who at any time catches any trout except with hook and line, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Steelhead trout may be taken in tide water between the 1st of May and the 1st of February of the following year with lawful nets of not less than seven and a half inch meshes free to float with the tide or current. Nothing in the section prohibits the possession at any time of steelhead trout when taken in tide water with hook and line. Fresh salmon is protected between September 10th and October 15th. Salmon above tide water is protected between October 15th and November 15th and between sunrise of Saturday and sunset of the following Sunday. Limits of tide Eel river to East's ferry above Fortuna...
FE (19 March 1897) During the last salmon fishing season, just closed, J. Ferrari and Son made an exceptionally good catch: 1,139 boxes, 14 tons salted and 2 tons smoked. Most of the above was shipped to S.F.
FE (30 March 1897) The bill governing the catching of salmon was so amended by the late legislature as to fix the open season from Oct. 15th to Jan. 1st of each year. As it was before, the open season did not commence until Nov. 1st and as the first rains come about that time in this county, our fishermen had but a week or ten days fishing before high water allowed the salmon to ascend the rivers and thus end the most profitable part of the fishing season. The lengthening of the open season 15 days will be the means of bringing to our fishermen largely increased revenues, but Senator Gillette tells the Times that it required a great deal of hard work on the part of himself and our Assemblyman to secure this change in the law, as the state fish commissioners were dead against it. The new bill also provides for the establishment of a fish hatchery at some point on Eel river.
FE (16 April 1897) Eel River Hatchery--Capt. Daugherty came down from Hoopa Tuesday en route to Eel river for the purpose of selecting a site for the location of the proposed government fish hatchery on that stream. He went to Fortuna Wednesday in company with Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis.
FE (28 May 1897) Fish Hatchery Sure--W.P. Huestis, ex-fish commissioner who was in Ferndale Wednesday, tells us that the Eel river fish hatchery is now a sure thing. It will be located near the mouth of Price creek and work will be commenced on it in July without fail. And what is more, every egg hatched in it will be placed in Eel river, for it is to be established exclusively for the benefit of that stream, it being the government's purpose to plentifully re-stock Eel river with salmon. Mr. Huestis has worked hard to secure this hatchery for southern Humboldt and our people certainly owe him a debt of gratitude for his efforts in their behalf.
FE (25 June 1897) The San Francisco Field Sports says:
Charley Monroe, the genial host of the Ferndale Hotel, was in town lately and says that the fishing up that way is just getting to be the best. The fish are plentiful and take both fly and spoon eagerly. John Gallagher intends going up there in a week or so, and there is a party composed of Lloyd Eaten, Charley Dietz and other spirits being organized to make Ferndale their headquarters for a week or so.
FE (3 Sept. 1897) Price Creek Fish Hatchery--State Fish Commissioner Babcock is here from below and parties are now engaged in surveying the site for the fish hatchery to be established by the state on Price creek near the home of George W. Weymouth. The salmon eggs for the hatchery will be secured for this season from the Battle Creek hatchery in Siskiyou county, and it is expected that the Price creek hatchery will be ready for business by the first of November. This will be good news to our people.
FE (7 Sept. 1897) J.P. Babcock, State Fish Commissioner, and Senator J.N. Gillette spent a few hours in Ferndale Saturday and while here solicited from our merchants the required number of nails, free gratis, to build the Price creek fish hatchery, which will be completed by the first of November and which is to have a capacity sufficiently large to handle 4,000,000 salmon eggs. Mr. Babcock tells us that the state commission was persuaded to establish this hatchery by Senator Gillette, who guaranteed liberal donations as the commission had but $1,200 which could be used for this purpose. The P.L. Co. and the Newburg Mill Co. donated considerable lumber for the hatchery last week. G.W. Weymouth made no charge for the land required, J.A. Shaw surveyed the hatchery site for nothing and Mr. Babcock says that the $1,200 available will complete the work. The contract to build the hatchery has been let to Knowles Evans of Eureka, who agrees to do the work for a very liberal figure. It is the intention of the state commission to introduce striped bass in the streams of Humboldt next season and Eel river is also to be stocked with Scotch trout, which stay constantly in fresh water and do not go to the ocean. This hatchery will prove of great benefit to Humboldt county and particularly to this valley, and to the state commission and Senator Gillette we have every reason to be grateful.
FE (21 Sept. 1897) Price Creek Notes--...Monday morning Mr. Evans of Eureka put 11 men to work on the fish hatchery. The building which is to be forty by sixty will be entirely completed by the 25th of the month. Price creek presents quite a lively appearance--carpenters, teamsters and fish commissioners traveling back and forth daily. Mr. Hunt, Secretary of the State Board of Fish Commissioners, is superintending the building of the hatchery. Fishing, also, has brought quite a large crowd to Price creek. Mr. John Gallagher, the champion angler of Oakland, has been at Mr. Weymouth's for the past ten days, having his usual good luck...[others from San Mateo Co., Woodside, Pescadero, Redwood City, all staying at Weymouth's and fishing Eel river].
FE (21 Sept. 1897) Deputy Fish Commissioner P.W. Matthews captured a small-mesh fishing net in Eel river Thursday night which had been set contrary to law...
FE (28 Sept. 1897) Fishermen are beginning to arrive on the banks of Eel river and are making preparations for the winter season.
FE (28 Sept. 1897) Contractor Evans expects to have the Price creek fish hatchery completed tomorrow. E.W. Hunt of the State Fish Commission left on Friday's Pomona for the Battle Creek hatchery in Siskiyou county to arrange for the shipment of the salmon eggs for the new hatchery. The first shipment of eggs will arrive in about six weeks and later on steel heads will be introduced.
FE (5 Oct. 1897) An Enterprise representative visited the new Price creek fish hatchery last Friday and found our young friend Ed Weymouth busily engaged in cleaning out the shavings, sawdust, etc., the work of building and equipping the new institution having been finished by Contractor Knowles Evans of Eureka the night before. The new hatchery is 40 x 60 feet in size and is most substantially constructed. Troughs and baskets are in position to receive the 4,000,000 salmon eggs which are to arrive from the Battle Creek, Siskiyou, hatchery about Dec. 1st, and Price creek, which is to furnish the necessary water for the hatchery, is spanned by a substantial dam, with a 1,240-foot flume to carry the water into the hatchery. Mr. Frank Shebley of Battle Creek is to be placed in charge of the Price creek institution, which is the second largest hatchery in the state. From Mr. Weymouth we learn that it takes from 50 to 75 days for the eggs to hatch, and after hatching, the salmon are kept for about six weeks before being turned loose to rustle for themselves, at which time, they are from an inch to an inch and a half in length.
FE (8 Oct. 1897) A lease from Geo. W. Weymouth to the State Board of Fish Commissioners for the site of the new fish hatchery at the Weymouth place on Price creek was recorded Saturday. The lease is for ten years at $5 for the term, subject to forfeiture should the lessees fail to operate the hatchery for two consecutive years.
FE (15 Oct. 1897) Swauger News--...J. Ferrari and A. Rosaia & Co. have built several new cabins for their Eel river fishermen and Jas. Dillon is preparing a seining ground at the mouth of Seven Mile slough.
FE (19 Oct. 1897) It is now lawful to catch salmon. The close season expired at 12 o'clock last Friday night the 15th.
FE (22 Oct. 1897) It is stated that fresh salmon are selling on Eel river for three cents per pound. Seven boxes of these fish were shipped to the city on Tuesday's Chilkat.
FE (26 Oct. 1897) Salmon are still reported scarce in Eel river...Italian fishermen are numerous at the mouth of Eel river.
FE (29 Oct. 1897) The S.F. Examiner, in an account of the recent fishing trip of C.G. Young, E.S. Van Slyke, John Butler, Jno. Gallagher, John Benn, and A. Shattuck of that city, to Eel river says:
The fishing during the warm portion of the day is done with a spoon, but after three o'clock the fly was used. Benn's Royal Coachman proved a success and on it the men took both trout and salmon, some of the latter weighing 20 pounds. Butler and Van Slyke made the banner catch of the trip, killing 147 fish in weight from half a pound to fifteen pounds. Jno. Benn took 55 trout in one afternoon, the largest weighing 11 pounds. The work was done with a fly. Gallagher, who was the last of the party to return, reached S.F. with 60 pounds of fish, the result of one day's catch. This lot did not average as large as some of the catches but were of uniform size, being from one-half to three pounds in weight. John Butler reports the water lower than for years and the fishing better than it has ever been.
FE (29 Oct. 1897) The hatcheries at Sisson, Baird, Battle Creek, and Eel river, in this state, will hatch out 40,000,000 salmon eggs this year, breaking the world's record.
FE (2 Nov. 1897) Local sportsmen were numerous on Eel river Sunday, and many good sized salmon were caught. Fish seemed to be more plentiful that day than they have been for the past week.
FE (5 Nov. 1897) The Swauger Record of Tuesday states that salmon have been bringing 3 1\2 cents per pound on Eel river and that some of the gill-netters are now doing well.
FE (5 Nov. 1897) Reports reach us of a big run of salmon in Eel river Tuesday. E.M. Heckman caught 121 in one haul and landed between 250 and 300 fish that day. J.A. Swett also made good catches, we are informed, and all the seinemen did well. Bob Graham, gill-netter, caught $15 worth of fish laying out around the Heckman seine. There are several seining crews at work on the river and the gill-netters are numerous.
FE (9 Nov. 1897) The S.F. Post states that the reason why salmon return to salt water after spawning has at last been discovered. When they remain in fresh water they become covered with parasites that resemble snails and they are sometimes found to be an inch to an inch and a half long. These parasites die as soon as they come in contact with salt water, and drop off the fish.
FE (9 Nov. 1897) Fishermen were numerous on Eel river Sunday, but few fish were caught.
FE (14 Nov. 1897) Salmon have been quite plentiful in Eel river for the past few days.
FE (23 Nov. 1897) Salmon were reported plentiful in Eel river again Saturday, and nearly all of the large number of trollers on that stream that day made good catches...As a result of Friday's heavy rain, Eel river jumped up a couple of feet Saturday evening, and Sunday the water in that stream was very muddy, much to the disgust of salmon trollers.
FE (26 Nov. 1897) Salmon are reported numerous this week in Eel river but Ira King tells us that they are not worth a cent now.
FE (26 Nov. 1897) Four loads of salmon arrived from the vicinity of Dungan's ferry in time to be sent on the Pomona Monday. The teams started from the river at 2 o'clock a.m. and the entire trip was made in a warm November rain. Some portions of the road traveled have been newly graveled and the trip was necessarily a tedious one. Teams had to be doubled up to pull the heavy loads up the west slope of Table Bluff. The arrival was a reminder of the days when all fish were brought for shipment in that manner. The drivers reported a renewed run of salmon in the river.--Times.
FE (10 Dec. 1897) The season's run of salmon in Eel river is about over and the fish have found their way up stream. From the best information obtainable, it seems that the seinemen and gill netters have made nothing above expenses this fall, salmon having been comparatively scarce ever since the season opened. The steelheads are now beginning to put in [an] appearance, although it is a little early for them.
FE (14 Dec. 1897) G.W. Weymouth received a letter last week from State Fish Commissioner Babcock, stating that 8,000,000 instead of 4,000,000 salmon eggs would be shipped from Siskiyou county to the new Price creek fish hatchery this month. The eggs are expected to arrive in a few days.
FE (4 Jan. 1898) Eight million salmon eggs have arrived during the past week at the Price creek fish hatchery, and are now in the troughs. The eggs reached here in fine condition, says Supt. Shebley.
FE (11 Jan. 1898) Fish Commissioner Matthews confiscated a couple of nets of illegal mesh set in Eel river near Fortuna Sunday evening.
FE (14 Jan. 1898) The illegal seine captured in Eel river near Fortuna last Sunday night by Commissioner Matthews was 100 fathoms in length and when he pulled it ashore, he landed 30 fish with it, which he distributed among his friends at Fortuna. The seine was taken to Grieg's livery stable and kept until the next morning when one of the offenders pleaded guilty before Judge Langdon and was fined $20. A claimant for the seine was found who said it was stolen from him but as it was of illegal size, Mr. Matthews kept the netting but not wanting to work a hardship on the owner, who seemed innocent of any wrong doing, he gave him the cork and lead attached to the seine.
FE (25 Jan. 1898) It is currently rumored that many of the fishermen operating near the mouth of Eel river are openly defying that part of the fish law which prohibits fishing on Saturday nights.
FE (28 Jan. 1898) Fish Commissioner P.W. Matthews made another capture on Saturday night near the mouth of Eel river. He came upon two parties fishing with a gill net. The fishermen escaped in the storm, but the net was captured and taken to Eureka.
FE (1 Feb. 1898) The fishing season closes this morning at sunrise. The season's catch is below the average.
FE (1 Feb. 1898) Messrs. O'Hara and Smith, who have been fishing on Eel river, departed Friday for S.F. The gentlemen go to the Alaska fisheries again next month to put in another summer there in the employ of the Pacific Coast Packing Co.
FE (1 Feb. 1898) Deputy Fish Commissioner Matthews publishes a notice in the Eureka dailies informing the public that between Feb. 1st today and May 1st, it will be unlawful to have in one's possession, or to buy or sell, either steelheads or salmon.
FE (15 Feb. 1898) Illegal Fishing--The Enterprise is reliably informed that five or six men are constantly fishing in lower Eel river with nets for steelheads, notwithstanding the close season for these fish commenced Feb. 1st. They are openly violating the law, and we are requested to call the attention of Commissioner P.W. Matthews to the fact. One day last week, our informant states, one party caught 40 steelheads. Those of the fishermen who obey the law object to this kind of work, and you can't blame them.
FE (22 Feb. 1898) F.A. Shebley, who has had charge of the Price creek fish hatchery, was an outgoing passenger on the Weeott Saturday morning. During the present season, 8,000,000 Quinnat salmon eggs have been hatched at the Price creek hatchery, all of which have been deposited in Eel river and its tributaries.
FE (22 Feb. 1898) Supt. F.A. Shebley, of the Price creek fish hatchery, has been called to San Francisco, and the State Fish Commissioners will probably station him at the Klamath Hot Springs or at Sims on the Sacramento river. Owing to injury done to the dam by high water in Price creek, the hatchery there was closed sooner than was intended this season, but notwithstanding, a big season's work was accomplished, about 98 1\2 per cent of the 8,000,000 salmon eggs having been hatched, 97 per cent being considered good work. In conversation with Mr. Shebley, the Standard learns that these fish will be large enough to be taken in gill nets in three years and also that probably steelheads, trout, and other game fish will be hatched at Price creek in the future if conditions warrant. While the hatchery is closed, a number of improvements will be made to the plant, principally in the matter of the water supply, and when these are completed, Mr. Shebley says we will have one of the best hatcheries in the state.
FE (1 July 1898) A. Rosaia has again rented the Pacific Coast Packing Company's fishing grounds on Eel river for a term of two years. Mr. Rosaia is well liked by all the fishermen on the river and we are pleased to know he has a new lease. The agent for the Company here says Mr. Rosaia is the most satisfactory tenant the Company ever had.
FE (13 Sept. 1898) Salmon are making their appearance in Eel river.
FE (23 Sept. 1898) E.W. Hunt and W.O. Fassett of the government Fish Commission arrived on the steamer Pomona and have gone to prepare the hatchery building at Price creek for a commencement of operations. They anticipate the arrival of four million salmon eggs from the government hatchery at Battle creek, Shasta County, about the first of October.
FE (27 Sept. 1898) The salmon season opens in tide water Oct. 16th and above tide water Nov. 15th.
FE (11 Oct. 1898) The work of preparation for a commencement of operations at the government hatchery on Price creek has been pushed with all possible activity since the arrival of Messrs. [Hunt and Fassett] nearly three weeks ago. Anticipating the arrival of the fish eggs, which came on the 2d inst., they have exerted their energies to the end of having the hatchery house in order and inagurating the necessary preliminary work. What is now being done will be of vital importance to Humboldt county and the gentlemen named intend that it shall be well done.
FE (14 Oct. 1898) Eel river is still productive of pleasant sport. Most of the fish are small ones. The incoming of large steelhead is patiently awaited by anglers who are keen and eager to be on the river again.--Breeder and Sportsman.
FE (14 Oct. 1898) The large ones are coming, and some "heavy" takes have been recorded within a week. The mouth of the river is favorite fishing ground yet, but a good rain and rise will send big ones up stream.
FE (27 Oct. 1898) Fishing on Eel river is first-class at present. Salmon are plentiful, as are steelhead, though the latter are not running as large as they were last year. Among those at present on the river are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maskey, Dr. Von Hoffman, W.F. Shattuck, Fathers Casey and Lynch, John Gallagher, John Benn and others. The angling for small steelhead is most excellent, plenty of two, three, and four pounders are being caught. Last Sunday John Butler, who returned from there on Wednesday, caught two salmon weighing over 35 lbs. each. Mr. Shattuck landed one which scaled 27 lbs. Since the season opened, between seventy and eighty visiting anglers, principally from this city, have been fishing the waters of Eel river from Grizzly Bluff to Fortuna. The wisdom of the supervisors of fish and game is here apparent, Humboldt county being one of the best protected shooting and fishing sections in the state, bringing about a condition of affairs appreciated alike by the sportsmen and the county.--Breeder and Sportsman.
FE (8 Nov. 1898) Thus far in the season the run of salmon in Eel river has been comparatively small. While fish are worth 3 1\2 cents on the river and 5 cents in S.F., gill-netters are doing next to nothing. Seiners are all making a little better report, though the best catch reported at a single haul by a certain fisherman last week was sixteen fish.
FE (11 Nov. 1898) Eel river is prolific just now in sport for the angler, although the big fellows are not yet so plenteous as to cause that keen excitement and enthusiasm created by a tussle with the lusty steelhead.--Breeder and Sportsman.
FE (15 Nov. 1898) It was a handsome specimen of the salmon family that Loveland displayed at his place of business yesterday morning. Joe Shaw and himself spent Sunday on Eel river, returning in the evening with five splendid fish. "Mac" captured a hook bill, a hawk bill and a silver side, the two latter weighing about 12 pounds each. The one on display tipped the beam at even 35 pounds. No little excitement attended his landing.
FE (15 Nov. 1898) Messrs. Hunt and Fassett, in charge of the government hatchery at Price creek, were in Ferndale yesterday. They report that the hatching outcome of the 4,000,000 salmon eggs received from McCloud river a little more than two months ago was a most satisfactory one, although delay in receipt of the spawn perhaps resulted in some loss. They are now engaged in planting the small fry at different points in Eel river and the Van Duzen, though no other tributaries of the main river have yet received an allotment. It is a question whether the tiny fish can be successfully carried to the South Fork, a distance of 25 miles from the hatchery, but as soon as the gentlemen better ascertain the location and volume of Eel river's tributaries, they will be enabled to act with greater assurance of benefit in the future.
FE (18 Nov. 1898) Tomorrow at 10 o'clock a meeting of Eel river fishermen and all interested in the fishing industry will be held...The object of this meeting is one of vital importance to the people of this valley as well as to the net owners and operators. The object is, if possible, to procure a change in the law which regulates the open and close seasons. At present the open season begins Oct. 15th and closes the last day of February. It is desired that the last day of March be fixed as the end of the open season. The largest run of steelheads comes in the month of February, after the run of salmon proper has ceased, and the result of the extension of time desired would be the putting in circulation in the valley of from $2,500 and $4,000 more than is done under the present law, without resulting in any injury to the fishing interest. The run of steelhead salmon in the month of February is worth taking advantage of, and it is to be hoped that our senator and representatives will lend their aid in the matter.
FE (18 Nov. 1898) The Enterprise was slightly in error in stating that small fish could not be safely transported over the 25 miles of distance between the hatchery and the south fork of Eel river. The true reason why that stream may not come in for a quota of the recently hatched fish is because the appropriation for the distribution now being made will not warrant Messrs. Hunt and Fassett to favor locations so far removed from the hatchery. It may be otherwise a little later.
FE (22 Nov. 1898) Pursuant to notice, a meeting of Eel river fishermen and those interested in the fishing industry was held at Ferrari's store on Cannibal Island, Nov. 19th. Twenty-three signatures were affixed to an agreement which could lead up to the organization of a Fishermen's Union, and double that many more will be added within a week. Officers for the present season were elected as follows: Paul Neville president, Peter Ferrari secretary, Joe Ferrari treasurer. Membership for the season was fixed at 25 cts. Each boat will pay an assessment of $2.50 for the accumulation of a fund for the necessary purposes of the organization. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president.
We learn from Frank Godfrey that there are 75 boats between the entrance and Dungan's ferry, and that there are usually two men with, at least, two-thirds of the boats. There are also a considerable number of fishing boats between the Singley ferry and the Rolla Bryant place.
FE (25 Nov. 1898) One of the gentlemen in charge of the Price creek fish hatchery paid our office a pleasant call Tuesday, leaving the information that between two and four million more eggs would arrive for the hatchery on the steamer of Nov. 31st. The hatching outcome of the six million instead of four million eggs received from McCloud river a little more than two months ago was a more satisfactory one. Messrs. Hunt and Fassett are very pleasant gentlemen and from them we have the authority to state that visitors to the hatchery will be made welcome at any and all times and that they will be pleased to explain to those who pay them a call all the workings of the hatchery, etc. In fact, they desire the public to visit them and become interested in fish propagation.
FE (25 Nov. 1898) Robert Heckman and wife were incoming passengers on this week's Pomona. Bob recently returned from Alaska, where he held the position of superintendent of one of the Alaska Packers' Association canneries. He will take charge of the Heckman fishery near the mouth of Eel River.--Record.
FE (25 Nov. 1898) A large run of salmon made its appearance in Eel river this week, and fishermen are doing fairly well.
FE (29 Nov. 1898) The government fish hatchery on Price must be a popular place of resort. From Oct. 6th to Nov. 25th, 338 names were registered.
FE (29 Nov. 1898) Steelhead are beginning to be numerous in Eel river.
FE (29 Nov. 1898) Those who fail to take advantage of the kindly invitation of Messrs. Hunt and Fassett, in charge of the government fish hatching plant at Price creek, only do so to their disadvantage. If there is any one thing that anyone within the county limits should manifest an interest in, it is the matter of fish culture in Humboldt county. Some day those who descend from the old-timers of the present will discover the benefit which is to accrue from fish propagation in Humboldt county. And that day is not far distant.
FE (29 Nov. 1898) State Fish Commissioner P.W. Matthews says that the fishing industry on Eel river has not been very extensive so far this season and that the run of salmon has been very light.
FE (13 Dec. 1898) Eel River Fishermen's Union--The Eel River Fishermen's Union was organized on Cannibal Island November 19th...We are told that every fisherman on the river below Dungan's Ferry has joined the Union which now has a membership of 110. The initiation fee was placed at 25c up to December 10th, after which time $2.50 will be charged. Every Union boat on the river will have a tag issued with the letters ERFU and also a number from 1 up, for which they pay 50c for the benefit of the association. The object of the Union is to obtain a fair and just price for fish; to induce our representatives and supervisors to pass laws for the benefit of fishermen and the protection of fish and secure an open month during February. The members of the Union propose to fish in a lawful manner, and if it comes under the observation of the association that others are violating the law, they will immediately notify the Deputy State Commissioner.
FE (20 Dec. 1898) The run of salmon in Eel river continues to be light.
FE (27 Dec. 1898) Several million salmon eggs are expected to be hatched at the Price creek hatchery about February 1st.
FE (6 Jan. 1899) The Price creek hatchery will have three or four million more little salmon to plant in a month or two from now. Superintendent Fassett complains that the water is awful cold these mornings, although it seems to suit the fishes. They are multiplying fast in some of the hatchery troughs.
FE (24 Jan. 1899) After the first of next month it may be quiet times for awhile over at the Price creek fish hatchery, for the remainder of last year's hatch will have been planted in Eel river and its tributaries. When it is remembered that the output for 1898 will have been about 10,000,000 fry, it will afford something of an idea how many additional salmon Eel river will boast a few years hence, even if only one out of every 50 planted lives and returns from the ocean.--Advance.
FE (3 Feb. 1899) When the Eel River Fishermen's Union was organized last November, it was intended to strive for a legislative enactment providing for an extension of the open season for catching steelhead and salmon from the first day of February to the final day of March. If it was so extended, the business would leave many thousands of dollars additional in the county, because the run of fish is greater during the month of February. But this has not been done, and the old prohibitory law went into effect Feb. 1st.
FE (10 Feb. 1899) Working for Our Fishermen--Assemblyman C.H. Boynton of Ferndale is using his utmost endeavors at Sacramento to secure the passage of his bill No. 377, amending section 632 of the penal code relative to fish, the provisions of which are in accordance with the wishes of the Eel River Fishermen's Union. Mr. Boynton introduced this bill on January 20th, and it was referred to the proper committee. He will get it before the Assembly in the very near future and will make every effort to pass it. The amendment extends the open season for steelheads from Feb. 1st as the law now stands to March 1st. Humboldt fishermen can rely upon it that Assemblyman Boynton will do the very best he can for them in this matter.
FE (21 Feb. 1899) Assemblyman Boynton writes us that he has no doubt but what his bill appropriating $1,500 for the better equipment of the Price creek and Sisson fish hatcheries will pass the Assembly...
FE (21 Feb. 1899) J.A. Swett's fishermen caught three or four monster sturgeon in Eel river last week with a gill-net. Mr. Swett shipped them to the city.
FE (7 March 1899) W.O. Fassett, late superintendent of the state fish hatchery at Price creek, took his departure on the steamer Pomona, operations for the season having ceased there. The Price creek hatchery turned out some 18,000,000 salmon fry during the last two years.
FE (17 March 1899) Fish Commissioner Babcock writes to G.W. Weymouth that he intends making big improvements in the Price creek fish hatchery this summer.
FE (24 March 1899) Hon. C.H. Boynton, Assemblyman from the southern Humboldt district...returned Tuesday from Sacramento...He succeeded in securing an appropriation of $1,500 for the better equipment of the Price creek fish hatchery...His bill which makes April an open month for steelhead trout also became a law, but his bill to lengthen the season for the catching of steelhead salmon from February 1st to March 1st was killed in committee...
FE (14 April 1899) Steelhead trout have made their appearance in Eel river, and in a couple of weeks trolling will be in order. Fisherman Stevens caught a couple of beauties with a spoon hook the first of the week.
FE (30 May 1899) The Enterprise is informed that some of the young salmon turned loose in Eel river a few months ago from the Price creek hatchery are being caught. The matter is being looked into, and if there is any truth in it, and the parties catching them are detected, they will find themselves in serious trouble.
FE (18 July 1899) Fishermen Stevens of lower Eel river informs us that steelheads have not yet made their appearance in that stream, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Neither have the large-sized trout materialized to any great extent.
FE (25 July 1899) The steelheads have made their appearance in Eel river. Last Sunday Ray Rumrill caught six in Weymouth's pool at Price creek, the largest weighing 12 pounds.
FE (1 Aug. 1899) Fish Commissioner Keller of Santa Monica and Chief Deputy Babcock arrived on Saturday's Pomona and left Eureka that afternoon for the Price creek fish hatchery with Superintendent F.A. Shebley to arrange for improving the hatchery, the last legislature, through the efforts of Assemblyman Boynton, having appropriated $1,500 to enlarge the station and improve the water supply by the construction of a large dam. Mr. Keller will remain at G.W. Weymouth's near the hatchery for a couple of weeks.
FE (22 Aug. 1899) The work of enlarging the Price creek fish hatchery is going ahead rapidly under the direction of contractor Knowles Evans of Eureka.
FE (1 Sept. 1899) Mr. John Gallagher, the Oakland capitalist, arrived Monday to spend a few weeks fishing at Geo. W. Weymouth's place on Price creek. Mr. Gallagher comes to Humboldt every fall and stays as long as the fish bite...
FE (12 Sept. 1899) Live Price Creek Jottings--The information below was furnished by Mr. G.W. Weymouth, whose delightful home location near the west bank of Eel river is fast assuming deserved significance.
Knowles Evans of Eureka completed his contract labors at the Price creek hatchery yesterday. These included an addition thirty feet in length and of the same width as the old one to the hatchery, making the present building 110 feet in length and 40 feet in width. A new cottage for the superintendent has also been erected near the hatchery building and on the same side of the county road. Mr. Robinson of Eureka was in charge of the construction under Mr. Evans. The cottage is in readiness for occupation by Mr. Frank Shebley, superintendent in charge of the hatchery, and Mr. W.O. Fassett will be the recognized assistant. The Commission has also provided a settling pond through which water will pass to the hatching house. It is located about 100 yards up Price creek from the hatchery building and will also be used as a storage pond for trout.
The fly and spoon fishing season is opening very briskly at and in the vicinity of Weymouth's pool. Cashier C.O. Soule of the bank of Eureka spent last week at the Weymouth place and sent a splendid showing of his luck and skill as a Walton to Eureka yesterday by Milton Carson, who had tarried there three days. Mr. McDonald, an insurance man from San Francisco, also spent three days of last week at Weymouth's, leaving for Eureka yesterday. John Butler, John Lemmer and John Sammi of San Francisco will probably arrive on the Pomona today and there is authority for saying that about seventy-five residents of that city and other nearby ones will visit Eel river during the coming fishing season. How many would come if we had a railroad?
FE (12 Sept. 1899) Wedded in San Francisco--Our friend Weymouth of Price creek [informed us]...that in San Francisco on a very recent date, W.O. Fassett of San Francisco, an attache of the California Fish Commission, quite well known here, and Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Weymouth, were united in life bonds by Rev. Father Lynch of that city who was a guest at the Weymouth home during last year's fishing season...
FE (22 Sept. 1899) The Price Creek Fish Hatchery--In writing to the Daily Standard from Geo. W. Weymouth's home at Price creek, David R. Gordon makes the following reference to the government fish hatchery at that place:
"The recent enlargement adds five additional sections or twenty hatching troughs to the hatchery, or a total of 60 troughs. These must all be thoroughly cleansed and prepared for the reception of the spawn when it arrives. Cleanliness is a feature of the hatching house and troughs that is never overlooked or ever slighted. In addition to the improvements which have just been made, a settling pond has been built ready for service when the season's operations are commenced. It is located about midway between the hatching house and the head dam from which the water supply is taken. This pond will be five or six feet in depth and has storage capacity for a large body of water, which will go to the hatching house after settling in an almost thoroughly filtered condition. This could not be done formerly, and the result was that much fine drift in the shape of leaves and sediment found its way to the main supply flume which leads from the receiving tank through the big building and keeps the hatching troughs constantly supplied with the amount of water required. It is anticipated that the recent enlargement will enable the hatchery to turn out at least one-third more fry during the season of operations than it has done in the past and in a very few years, at most, the Price creek hatchery may assume the proportions of the Battle Creek or Sisson station. In two or three years more, the first fruits of what the Price creek hatchery has already done will be apparent in the supply of salmon in Eel river and its tributaries. Of the many millions of fry which have been deposited in the last two years it is quite certain that a goodly portion of grown and fully matured fish will return and seek the spawning grounds of the stream or streams in which they were originally deposited.
FE (26 Sept. 1899) Times--Eel river is now the mecca of local angling enthusiasts and the advance guard comprising Black Jack Lemmer, John Sammi, John Butler, Mons Gallagher, the champion of Oakland, Otto Feudner, Frank Maskey, Fred Lees, Col. Kaliher, and others are now on the famous stream. Fred Vensker, Fred Johnson and several other well-knwon anglers will shortly take the steamer for Eureka to enjoy the fishing in Eel river.
FE (3 Oct. 1899) Fully forty boats were counted on Eel river near the cannery Sunday, trolling for steelheads, but the catch that day was the smallest yet reported this season.
FE (10 Oct. 1899) The State Board of Fish Commissioners has received word from Superintendent Lambson of the United States Fish Commission on McCloud river that the collection of salmon from the summer run closed last week with a total take of 6,500,000 eggs and that he had received instructions from the department at Washington to deliver 4,000,000 of these eggs to the State Commission. One million of these will be hatched at the Price creek hatchery on Eel river, where they will be liberated and 3,000,000 will be hatched at the Sisson station and liberated in the Sacramento.
FE (10 Oct. 1899) Steelheads are beginning to make their appearance in Eel river in large numbers. Salmon are also in evidence in the lower river, but it is unlawful to catch them until the 15th of this month.
FE (10 Oct. 1899) Six hundred thousand salmon eggs arrived Saturday for the Price creek hatchery.
FE (17 Oct. 1899) Striped Bass for Eel River--Deputy Fish Commissioners Davis and Cross were in San Pedro bay Friday seining for small striped bass, which the Commissioners are to send to Eel river. It is desired to plant at least 400 in that stream. The first lot was not a success, as all but a dozen died on the way. The Commissioners have been puzzled over the fact that the fish have not sought those waters on their own accord.
FE (17 Oct. 1899) The close season for salmon expired at 12 o'clock Sunday night and seining and gill-netting on Eel river is now in full blast.
FE (20 Oct. 1899) A large catch of salmon is expected this season by the fishermen on Eel river. The fishing grounds on that stream have been cleared of snags and put in proper shape for seining and gill-netting.
FE (27 Oct. 1899) We are informed that fishermen on the lower river are catching large numbers of sturgeon in their nets. As sturgeon do not make their appearance until late in the season, most of the fishermen think that there will be a small run of salmon this year.
FE (31 Oct. 1899) Peter Ferrari, Will O'Leary, Jas. Smith, M. Waddington and Jos. O'Hara arrived from Loring, Alaska on Thursday's Weeott. They have been employed in the Alaska salmon fisheries since last spring and return here to put in their season fishing in Eel river.
FE (3 Nov. 1899) Trolling at Weymouth's resort on Eel river has been exceptionally fine this week, in fact, the best fishing thus far this season is now being enjoyed at that place. Among those who made good catches this week were J.H. Ring and Mr. Corbett with 15 salmon and steelheads to their credit, while J.A. Shaw and Jeweler Edwards succeeded in hooking and landing seven more of the finny tribe Wednesday. Joe was again on the scene of action early yesterday morning, it is hardly necessary to state.
FE (27 Nov. 1899) The Fish Commissioners in San Francisco, says the Chronicle, were considerably disturbed, Tuesday, over the news of the complete failure of the salmon spawning at the Battle Creek Salmon Station. This station is the largest of its kind in the world, and has as a rule hatched from 20,000,000 to 48,000,000 fish annually. This year, for some unknown reason, the fish have failed to come up Battle Creek as far as the hatchery, and the result is that there has been a total take of but 2,000,000 eggs. It is feared that the salmon catch is likely to show a noticeable decrease if this state of affairs continues. The fish in this county have acted almost directly opposite to those in Shasta, for while the catch of salmon in Eel river has not been ordinarily large within the tide-water limit thus far, it is evident that a great many fish have found their way toward the headwaters of that stream and into its tributaries. Already it is told that many people who live at a long distance from the coast have been enabled to taste fresh salmon, and they are the people who most appreciate them.
FE (8 Dec. 1899) The salmon fishing industry promises to be almost a total failure this year on Eel river. Comparatively small catches have been made so far and fishermen have about concluded to abandon further effort.
FE (2 Jan. 1900) Fish Commissioner Huestis captured another set seine near the mouth of Eel river last Friday. It will be well for fishermen to obey the law for Mr. Huestis intends to enforce it to the letter.
FE (16 Jan. 1900) It is unlawful to catch steelheads in anything but tide water between the first day of November and the first day of April. Head of tide water is considered to be East's ferry.
FE (23 Jan. 1900) Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis took four nets to Eureka Thursday, which he found set in the lower part of Eel river in defiance of the law. He confiscated them and they will be used as evidence if their ownership is discovered.
FE (30 Jan. 1900) The run of salmon in Eel river this season is undoubtedly far below the average and most of the fishermen on that stream have discontinued operations for the winter.
FE (13 Feb. 1900) Chief Deputy Babcock of the State Board of Fish Commissioners says that salmon do not always return to the stream where they are born and advises have patience and not abandon efforts for the propagation of fish.
FE (20 March 1900) No Fish Commissioner--Deputy Fish Commissioner W.P. Huestis was in town Saturday and while here informed us that he had received word from the State Board of Fish Commissioners that they were unable to keep him employed longer, owing to a lack of funds. In the letter they thanked Mr. Huestis for his excellent work and hoped to be able to secure his services again when finances would permit, which we hope will be at an early date. Mr. Huestis has kept a watchful eye for violators of the fish law, as well as the game, and the work he has done is greatly appreciated by all true sportsmen. Without a commissioner, the fishing industry on Eel river will surely suffer.
FE (27 March 1900) Salmon [?] are running up Price, Howe, and Barber creeks in quite large numbers.
FE (3 April 1900) The trout season opened Sunday and a number of our nimrods visited nearby creeks to lure the festive finny tribe from its native element. Several good catches are reported.
FE (20 July 1900) A few steelheads have made their appearance in Eel river.
FE (4 Sept. 1900) John Gallagher of Oakland, the well-known nimrod, is angling on Eel river.
FE (18 Sept. 1900) Ellis Robinson, who is in charge of the Maskey resort on Eel river, Saturday entered another big fish in the competition for the Dunham, Carrigan and Hayden trophy. It was a steel head thirty-one inches in length and weighs 12 pounds, lacking just one ounce. Mr. Robinson caught the fish near his place with an ordinary fly and trout line. It is much larger than any yet sent to the headquarters which are at Buhne's branch store in Eureka, says the Times.
FE (18 Sept. 1900) Huestis Appointed--The State Board of Fish Commissioners at its last regular meeting appointed William P. Huestis permanent deputy patrol for Humboldt county at a salary of $75 per month and expenses...
FE (5 Oct. 1900) John Butler, John Sammi and N. Turner of San Francisco, who are at present enjoying the fine fishing in Eel river at G.W. Waymouth's resort, were interviewing friends in Ferndale Tuesday.
FE (6 Nov. 1900) Salmon may be legally taken above tide water in Eel river after the 15th of this month. We are told that a large number of salmon have made their appearance in Eel river the past day or so and by tomorrow that stream will be clear enough for trolling.
FE (13 Nov. 1900) Salmon are plentiful in Eel river now and trolling is all the rage. Some large catches have been made.
FE (7 Dec. 1900) About Salmon--Office of Board of Fish Comm., San Francisco, Dec. 1. To Editor of the Enterprise:
The Board of Fish Commissioners regret to announce that the Eel River Hatchery will not be operated this season. Owing to the low stage of water in the Sacramento river, the fall run of salmon has not passed up stream to the spawning station as usual, but is spawning in the main river between Red Bluff and Tehama, which is south of the egg collecting station of Battle Creek. As a result of this change in the movement of the fall run of salmon, there has been almost an entire failure to secure the usual number of salmon eggs for propagation. The total take of eggs this year will not reach four million, while the average for the past five years has been over twenty million. As the Board is obliged to depend upon the National Fish Commission for all its salmon eggs, this shortage in this season's collection leaves the Board without eggs for Eel river, as it would not be warranted in operating two stations with so small a number. The Board in making this announcement, desires to express the regret to all its members at being obliged for a season to discontinue the operation in Humboldt county, as all are satisfied that the annual plants of young salmon in Eel river will have a marked effect upon the coast supply of its most valued fish. Owing to the increasing settlement of our state, with the consequent development of her mineral, agricultural and manufactural resources, there is a gradual decrease in the natural spawning area of the salmon, so that artificial hindrance to natural propagation must be met and overcome by artificial or protected breeding if the runs of salmon in our streams are to be maintained. There seems no reason to doubt that the runs of salmon in our streams at this time are due to the efforts of the state in 1870. It is claimed, with some show of evidence of a creditable nature, that the Sacramento river is the only stream on the coast, south of Alaska, that does not show a marked decrease in the catch of salmon from its waters, which is cited as evidence of the result of the plants of young salmon in its waters from the state hatcheries. We believe that the planting of young salmon in the Sacramento river has helped to maintain the runs of salmon in the rivers of Humboldt county. Three years ago we rejoiced at the establishment of the hatchery on Eel river, and have operated it with confidence that the young salmon liberated from it would descend to the sea and return to the rivers of the coast when mature and we regret that during this season we cannot continue the work. In offering you these reasons why the hatchery has not been opened by the Board, we also wish to call your attention to the importance of maintaining the run of steelhead trout in the streams of Humboldt county, and to say that the Commissioners believe that these fish--one of the most desirable both from a market and a sportsman's standpoint--should be propagated in the hatchery at Eel river. The location of the hatchery is favorable to this work--one of the factors considered in locating the hatchery was that spawning steelheads entered Price creek in considerable numbers during the spring months and could be taken at the hatchery dam for propagation. The Board has not yet attempted to collect any steelhead eggs there as the appropriation made by the Legislature has not been sufficient to permit them doing so. The Board, in its Sixteenth Biennial Report to the Governor, called attention to this fact and asked for a special appropriation of two thousand dollars for this work. The Commissioners believe that such an appropriation could be secured if the Humboldt county delegation to the coming session of the Legislature would work for it. Without effort on their part, the appropriation will not be made. In a communication of this character, we need not comment on the great value and increasing importance of the fishery interests of Humboldt county. Trusting that this explanation will make clear to you the reasons for not operating the Eel river hatchery this season and assuring you that the Board is alive to the value of the fishery interest of Humboldt county, I remain, Yours Respectfully, John P. Babcock, Chief Deputy.
FE (7 Dec. 1900) W.P. Huestis, Deputy Fish Patrol, in reply to questions relating to the fish industry, stated to a Times reporter the other day that salmon, as a rule, ought to ascend Eel river in September, but that they were often delayed by reason of a low stage of water for a month or two. This season there have been, up to date, five freshets and the salmon were enabled to ascend to the spawning grounds as early as Oct. 5th. During the month of November this year, the run was greater than it has been during the same month of any previous season for the past six or seven years. Mr. Huestis thinks that we are indebted in a great measure for the increased run to the work done by the fish hatchery on Eel river. He states that they have been raising large numbers of the King salmon and that the run is largely composed of that variety, although there are Blue-backs and Silversides. He states also that the reports show that the shipment of salmon this year has been in excess of that of any previous year and more than 30,000 pounds above that of the same month for 1899. Prices have also been better this year and have ranged from 3 1\2 to 6 cents per pound at the shipping stations.
FE (28 Dec. 1900) It is reported that the run of salmon in Eel river and other streams this fall is the largest known for years.
FE (22 Jan. 1901) Fresh salmon are selling for six cents per pound on Eel river. The run at present is not very large as most of the salmon have gone to the headwaters of that stream.
FE (29 Jan. 1901) Money for Price Creek Fish Hatchery--The Fish and Game Committee at Sacramento has reported favorably to the Assembly, McNeil's bill making an appropriation for the propagation of steelhead trout in Humboldt, says a Times correspondent. The Fish Commissioner made plain the urgency of the result and Mr. McNeil ably seconded his efforts...
Section 1. The sum of two thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State pay for the propagation of steelhead trout at the State Hatchery on Eel river, Humboldt county, during the fifty-third and fifty-fourth fiscal years...
FE (1 Feb. 1901) That Eel River Fish Bill--From the Times special correspondent from Sacramento, we take the following:
Assemblyman McNeil says he has been up against the Fish Commission and is still wondering where he is to get off. In answer to many petitions from the fishermen of his district, he introduced a measure extending the open season for the catching of steelhead trout one month, or until March first instead of February first as under the present law. The prediction was made that the bill would be strangled in committee and such it seems will be its fate. The day McNeil introduced the bill, Chief Deputy Babcock of the Fish Commission interviewed the Assemblyman from the Third and asked him to introduce a bill, prepared by the Commission, appropriating $2,000 for the propagation of steelhead trout at the Eel river hatchery. The agent of the Commission set forth in detail the proposed work and the benefits that would follow the operation of the hatchery. McNeil introduced the bill after telling Babcock that he wanted to open the month of February to net fishing for steelheads. Babcock said the Commission would oppose such a measure on the ground that while it might not do the steelhead interest of Eel river any harm, he thought that the Board would not admit that it would not. He argued that the Commission must consider the steelhead interests of other counties, where if the fishermen were permitted to take the steelhead during the month of February, the fish would be exterminated in short order. He pointed out that favor could not be shown Humboldt and other counties discriminated against. When McNeil's bill came before the Fish and Game Committee of the Assembly, Babcock was present and took a position against McNeil's amendment to Section 632. He stated among other arguments that the Board did not want to operate a hatchery on Eel river for the propagation of steelheads, if the present close season was extended and even if the $2,000 appropriation was made, the Board would refuse to expend it as it would be useless so to do, as the intention is to catch the spawning fish from the run in February. If the open season was extended through the month of February the spawning fish would all be netted before they reach Price Creek. The committee voted to recommend the passage of McNeil's appropriation bill and postponed consideration of the other measure, so McNeil is wondering what is best to be done--stand for the opening of the hatchery or the opening of February to the net men. The matter plainly stated either take the appropriation for the hatchery and drop the other or vice versa. The Fish Commission is one of the strongest boards represented here. It has many friends who go out of their way to endorse the Commissioners' handling of the fish interests of the state. There is some agitation here on the salmon law. Tehama, Shasta and Butte counties want to amend the present salmon law so as to close the season for the possession or the catching of salmon from September 10 to November 15, which would be fatal to Humboldt's fishery. It is an acknowledged fact that the Fish Commissioners' opposition to any fish bill is almost if not absolutely fatal to any such measure, hence the improbability of the fishermen on Eel river getting their desires granted. In this connection, it is apropos to state that Mr. McNeil informed his constituents of the opposition to the bill by the Commission and asked for data on the subject calculated to convince that Board of the error of its way.
FE (12 Feb. 1901) From the Advance--Patrolman Huestis of the fish commission was in town the first part of the week and furnished considerable interesting information regarding the fishing industry on Eel river. Mr. Huestis states that he has experienced very little opposition to the provisions of the law. All the fishermen are coming to a realization that the work of the State Board of Fish Commissioners is intended to foster and build up the industry and that the laws now in force are decidedly in favor of the fishermen. Mr. Huestis says that the run of fish this season was the heaviest that has occurred in years. One firm in this town [Fortuna] bought and shipped during the open season, fish amounting to $9,820.05. As this represents but a small part of the total catch, it will be seen that the industry is by no means insignificant. It is also believed that the number of fish finding their way up the river to the spawning ground is larger this year than ever before. Advices from the interior warrant this belief as there seems to be an abundance of king salmon and steelheads all along the upper river.
FE (3 May 1901) Deputy State Fish Commissioner W.P. Huestis has filed with the County Clerk a verified petition for the State Fish Commissioners to the effect that on Saturday, March 21, in Eel river, he seized a certain salmon net which had been set there by certain persons for the purpose of taking and catching salmon. The net is about twenty fathoms in length. Clerk Haw has given notice that on May 18th any and all persons claiming said net may present their claims before Department One of the Superior Court.
FE (16 Aug. 1901) Quite a number of steelheads are now being caught in Eel river and some of our local sports report quite exciting times with these gamey fish.
FE (27 Aug. 1901) J.A. Swett one day last week caught over a ton of perch at one haul in his net on lower Eel river. He disposed of a considerable quantity of them in Ferndale and intends to smoke the balance.
FE (3 Sept. 1901) Landlord Kerfoot of the Ferndale Hotel is well fixed for fishing material. Last week he received presents in the shape of a fine split bamboo pole and a number of spoon hooks from W.J. Flynn of the Simond's Saw Co. of St. Louis, and also several dozen fly hooks and a reel from Paul Keller, the well-known sporting goods commercial traveler. Joe prizes his gifts very highly and will soon take advantage of the excellent fishing at present afforded on Eel river.
FE (6 Sept. 1901) Fishing has been unusually fine on Eel river this week and those who enjoy that pastime have had great sport. F.G. Williams and his brother-in-law Mr. Hewitt landed 43 fine salmon trout at Singleys on Tuesday of this week with a spoon and on Wednesday, within a couple of hours, Jake Ring caught two fine steelheads and a dozen and a half trout.
FE (24 Sept. 1901) Price Creek Hatchery to Re-open--Mr. W.O. Fassett and wife (nee Miss Mary Weymouth) were incoming passengers on the Pomona last Friday and went directly to Price creek, where Mr. Fassett will re-open the fish hatchery and put it in order to receive 1,000,000 salmon eggs about the 27th of the month. These eggs will be shipped from the government spawning station at Battle Creek. Good!
FE (27 Sept. 1901) Quite a number of salmon are now in Eel river and are rapidly making their way up the stream. It is not an unusual sight to observe these fish passing over the riffle below Singley's ferry on their way to fresh water and a spawning ground.
FE (1 Oct. 1901) It is unlawful to catch salmon with seine, hook and line, or in any way, in fact, until after midnight of Tuesday October 15th. Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis is now patrolling Eel river and says that he will see that our fish laws are observed.
FE (4 Oct. 1901) Fishing in Eel river is said to be very good. Some excellent catches on the lower river and at Price creek are reported this week.
FE (8 Oct. 1901) The banks of Eel river were black with fishermen last Sunday and numerous baskets of trout were landed.
FE (11 Oct. 1901) It is said that lower Eel river is alive with salmon.
FE (15 Oct. 1901) John P. Babcock, chief deputy of the Board of Fish Commissioners, State of California, has resigned his position to accept a more responsible and more remunerative one in the same field of endeavor under the government of the province of British Columbia...Mr. Babcock planned the hatcheries at Olema, Marin county; Eel river, Humboldt county; and the immense salmon station at Battle Creek, Tehama county. This is the largest salmon station in the world. In 1898, its third season..., 48,500,000 salmon eggs were hatched. This is the greatest number ever taken in one season at one station. It was more than all the other hatcheries on the coast combined produced. Since Mr. Babcock assumed charge as chief deputy, there has been hatched under the jurisdiction of the board 105,184,000 salmon and 31,425,000 trout. These have all been distributed in the public waters of the state to supply both sport and food for its people.
FE (15 Oct. 1901) The salmon season opens tomorrow morning. There are quite a number of these fish in Eel river at present, but seiners and gill-netters will soon thin them out. It is said that one fisherman, the other day, put his seine in the water for the purpose of stretching it, and when he drew it in, he had several tons of fish in his net. Of course, he turned them loose.
FE (18 Oct. 1901) Seining and gill-netting commenced on Eel river last Tuesday and several good-sized hauls were made. The run of salmon this season is greater than for years past, and the fish are much larger than usually caught in Eel river. Salmon are worth four cents per pound on the river.
FE (18 Oct. 1901) The 1,000,000 salmon eggs which were received at the Price creek fish hatchery a short time ago are beginning to hatch.
FE (18 Oct. 1901) Salmon trout are plentiful in Eel river. At Weymouth's pool last Monday, B.O. Hart and John Butler had excellent luck, landing about 150 of those fine fish...John Butler of San Francisco, who has been stopping at Weymouth's Resort on Price creek for several weeks enjoying the excellent fishing to be had there, returned below on the last Pomona. He is well pleased with his outing and will return again next year.
FE (5 Nov. 1901) Salmon trollers were very numerous on Eel river Sunday and nearly all of them made good catches. Fish Commissioner Huestis says that the river is still abundantly supplied with fish, which were selling for two cents per pound Sunday morning for yesterday's shipment to S.F.
FE (8 Nov. 1901) It is stated that Heckman & Mosely caught 200 big salmon at one haul of their seine in lower Eel river a few days ago, which means between two and three tons.
FE (12 Nov. 1901) Salmon are still quite plentiful in Eel river and trollers are having great sport. But the fish are not as large as they were during the early run.
FE (15 Nov. 1901) Fishermen Swett, Mosely, and Heckman, who are seining near the mouth of the river, are catching more fish than those further up stream, it is said...That salmon are more plentiful in lower Eel river than up stream is accounted for by the fact that gill-netters are thicker than fleas every night from the old cannery site to the entrance and it is alleged that but very few fish find their way up the river in consequence. Wednesday in Eel river there must have been a run of unusually big salmon, for reports reach us to the effect that numerous trollers had their lines broken, in fact, some of them lost their entire outfits, pole and all.
FE (15 Nov. 1901) J.A. Shaw and B.O. Hart, who went trolling in Eel river Wednesday, had great sport, having hooked and landed 12 salmon. Mr. Shaw caught a monster, which measured 44 inches in length and 29 inches around the girth. Joe says he believes it is as large as, if not larger than, any salmon caught this season. It certainly was a whale, and he caught it with a No. 7 hook and a light fish pole and it required considerable skill to land it without breaking his apparatus. Mr. Hart also caught a big one, which weighed 39 pounds.
FE (15 Nov. 1901) Will Stop Fishing--Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis is authority for the statement that the Eel river salmon fishermen, seinemen and gill-netters, have practically decided to quit fishing until such a time as the price of fresh fish advances and an agreement to that effect is being signed by those engaged in the industry. The fishermen argue that rather than sell their catches for a cent a pound, it is better to let the fish go up the river to the spawning grounds, and it is a wise conclusion, for at that price, there is nothing in fishing. Mr. Huestis says that on Wednesday, a large number of the fishermen signed the agreement and ceased operations.
FE (19 Nov. 1901) A large number of fish were caught in Eel river one day last week and the largest shipment of the season was from Loleta Tuesday morning. There were 160 boxes which will aggregate over thirty tons. The seine operated by Ike Mosely on the Heckman ground caught a ton and a half in one haul.--Loleta Record.
FE (19 Nov. 1901) Still Fishing--Last issue the Enterprise mentioned that the seinemen and gill netters on Eel river were arranging to stop fishing for salmon until such a time as a better price than one cent per pound could be obtained for their catch. It now appears that the effort to secure the signatures of all engaged in the industry failed, for the seines and gill nets are still at work and will very likely continue until the season closes.
FE (19 Nov. 1901) A Sixty-Eight Pound Sturgeon--Last Thursday while trolling for salmon in company with her little son in Eel river near Weymouth's, Mrs. B.M. Stokes of Grizzly Bluff caught a sturgeon 6 1\2 feet long and weighing 68 pounds. She hooked the fish in the tail with a No. 4 troll and it took her an hour and fifty minutes to land him, but she did so with a skill that would have done credit to any of our crack fishermen of the male persuasion...
FE (26 Nov. 1901) Mr. Geo. W. Weymouth informs us that the 1,000,000 salmon eggs received this fall at the Price creek fish hatchery have been hatched and placed in adjacent streams and that Superintendent Fassett is daily expecting another supply of eggs from Battle Creek. Good! We are pleased to note that the hatchery is doing excellent work this season.
FE (29 Nov. 1901) Eel river fishermen are now looking for the first run of steelheads which usually comes about December 1st. Salmon were quite plentiful the first of the week, but Tuesday night the gill netters landed few, if any. Trolling is over for the year, as the river will probably remain muddy from now until winter ends.
FE (10 Dec. 1901) Fish Commissioner Will Huestis went to Eureka yesterday to receive one million salmon eggs, which the Pomona brought for the Price creek hatchery.
FE (31 Dec. 1901) Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis tells us that both seine and gill net fishing in Eel river have been at a standstill of late, owing to the scarcity of fish, the run of steelheads being unusually late this season, but the gentleman says he expects to see a big lot of these last mentioned fish put in an appearance along about the last of January and during February. Eel river at the present time is as clear as in midsummer and bait fishing for salmon trout is said to be fair. December throughout was a poor month for those engaged in the salmon industry.
FE (3 Jan. 1902) Salmon are scarce in Eel river and command
6 1\2c per pound on the river.
FE (21 Jan. 1902) Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis last week arrested two fishermen on old Eel river for setting nets in violation of the law, and took them before Judge Sowash of Loleta. The offenders, having been caught in the act, had no alternative but to plead guilty and this they did. They were then bound over for trial before the Superior Court and were to have had their hearing yesterday. The minimum fine in such a case is $100, for the offense is a serious one in the eyes of the law. Mr. Huestis is a diligent officer, and he says he proposes to enforce the law strictly without fear or favor.
FE (7 Feb. 1902) Deputy Fish Commissioner Huestis tells us that it is unlawful to catch trout at this time, not only above tide water but in tide water as well, and those who have held a different idea of what the present law is, will do well to govern themselves accordingly. Some seem to think that trout can be taken in tide water, but this is a mistake.
FE (11 Feb. 1902) Two tons of steelheads, caught by someone after February 1st, when the close season went into effect, and shipped to San Francisco on last week's Eureka from Humboldt and consigned to R. Melan, a fish dealer at the metropolis, were refused by him and turned over to the authorities, who donated them to the San Francisco City and County almhouse and the General Hospital at the Presidio. The Eureka had a $30 freight bill against the fish, but the Fish Commission refused to pay it and the Humboldt shipper will probably endeavor to hide his identity.
FE (14 March 1902) Salmon Liberated--Geo. W. Weymouth tells us that 2,000,000 young salmon have been planted in the river from the Price creek hatchery this season and that steelhead spawn is being collected for the propagation of steelheads at that institution. As yet the steelheads are only being fished for in the creeks, but as soon as the river falls, seines will be utilized and the hatchery will use all the steelhead spawn that can be obtained this spring.
FE (4 April 1902) Several local fishermen spent Tuesday on our creeks in quest of the festive trout, the open season for taking them going into effect that day. No very large catches were made, however, owing to the muddy condition of the streams.
FE (20 May 1902) G.W. Weymouth of Price creek reports that the steelhead spawn taken from the fish of Eel river has nearly all been hatched and that the young fish will be turned loose in Eel river about the first of next month. Some 700,000 eggs were taken and more would have been taken had there not been so much high water. W.O. Fassett, in charge of the hatchery, says this is something of an experiment, but that he is very much pleased with the result. Next season if the river is favorable, more steelheads will be secured for the hatchery.
FE (27 May 1902) A Grizzly Bluff correspondent to the Humboldt Citizen says that a tree fell across the fish hatchery flume at Price creek and that Supt. Fassett worked all night a week ago Sunday night to save the young steelhead salmon. He succeeded in turning them all into Price creek and thinks the majority will live.
FE (1 Aug. 1902) Snagging for smelt is becoming quite a pastime at Ericksen's ferry on Eel river, and nearly every day the pontoon bridge at that crossing is lined with anglers.
FE (15 Aug. 1902) A few salmon have made their appearance in lower Eel river and trollers are consequently happy. Salmon trout are being caught at Scotia...
FE (22 Aug. 1902) J.A. Swett informs us that salmon have not yet made their appearance in lower Eel river in very large numbers, but that there is a large run of salmon trout...
FE (26 Aug. 1902) There are quite a number of salmon trout in Eel river and a few steelheads also. It will soon be first class fishing.
FE (5 Sept. 1902) J.J. Sage of the Island yesterday landed a ten pound salmon with a spoon hook--the first one caught with a line this season.
FE (16 Sept. 1902) Salmon are coming into Eel river in large numbers. Beginning with Sept. 10th, it is unlawful to catch or have in your possession any salmon. Steelheads may be taken with a line at any time up to February 1st. The salmon law extends to the 10th of October.
FE (3 Oct. 1902) Eel river fishermen are making great preparations for the fall run of salmon in that stream. Already a number of seinemen and gillnetters are on the ground, and are of the opinion that the run this fall will be considerably above the average.
FE (3 Oct. 1902) It is rumored that there has been unlawful seining of salmon on Eel river this week, especially on the lower river. Report reaches us that a seine was hauled last Sunday evening at "Dago Bend," above the old cannery site, and quite a number of salmon were taken. Someone will surely come to grief sooner or later if they keep up this unlawful practice. It is also understood that seines have been hauled in the night time several miles up Eel river, and we take this occasion to inform these people that they had better be careful or they may get themselves into trouble. Two hundred dollars, nothing less, is the fine if you are caught, so please bear this in mind.
FE (7 Oct. 1902) Trolling in Eel river Sunday was fairly good, several good catches being made, and the usual number of regular "old sockdolagers" were hooked and lost.
FE (10 Oct. 1902) Trolling in Eel river has been exceptionally good so far this week, and some very fair catches have been made. Ten steelheads in one day, caught by one man, is the largest haul so far brought to our notice--certainly enough sport to satisfy the most ardent fisherman.
FE (14 Oct. 1902) J.A. Shaw and E.M. Loveland landed eleven steelheads on the lower river last Thursday--one of the largest day's catches that has been brought to our attention. But Joe and Mac are expert fishermen and are generally very successful.
FE (21 Oct. 1902) Trollers had excellent sport on the lower river Sunday, and several large catches are reported. Fred Crickshanks and S.A. Ward landed a 42-pound salmon and it is now on display in E.M. Loveland's show window.
FE (4 Nov. 1902) Seiners and gillnetters on lower Eel river were not meeting with much success last week, some of the boats getting as few as four fish as a result of a whole night's drift. Trollers, however, enjoyed very fair sport and several good catches are reported.
FE (14 Nov. 1902) A very large run of salmon is reported in Eel river and gillnetters are doing well. The salmon are all large and weigh from twenty to fifty pounds each. Owing to the muddy condition of the water, gillnetting can be carried on in the day time as well as at night.
FE (18 Nov. 1902) The largest salmon shipment so far this year was made on the last Pomona, 49,200 pounds...The catch was made by Eel river fishermen.
FE (21 Nov. 1902) Superintendent Fassett of the Price creek fish hatchery expects a large shipment of eggs next month from the Battle Creek hatchery. Owing to the scarcity of water this fall, no eggs were hatched at the Price creek hatchery.
FE (25 Nov. 1902) An Interesting Letter--A late issue of the San Francisco Breeder and Sportsman contains the following:
Salmon fishing on Eel river is now in full swing, as will be seen from the story of a lady angler Mrs. B.O. Hart, given in a letter to Prof. John Butler of the City. The fair devotee of the rod says:
"I am sure you left Ferndale too soon, as we are catching some very fine fish. Of course, it rains some and that prevents us from going as much as we would like to. Last Sunday (Oct. 26th), which was the day you left Eureka, Ben, Smith, and myself went down to the mouth of the river and found the water very dirty in the main channel, so we went up in the north bay where the water was quite clear. We had only rowed a short distance when I felt something take my hook. Immediately, my reel commenced to sing and the line kept going out until I had scarcely ten feet of it left on the spool. I yelled to the boatpuller, Smith, who had the oars and his own rod out as well. He dropped the oars and backed water toward the running fish for about twenty feet. This gave me sufficient line to go on a little. Just then the monster fish started for the boat as rapidly as he ran away from us and for a few seconds I thought I had lost him, when he suddenly commenced going in another direction again. Then it was a fight for fully half an hour before we saw as much as a fin belonging to him. When we finally did get a sight of him, he boiled over and came his full length out of the water. Then the sport commenced in earnest, for then it was a battle royal as to who the winner should be, the fish or myself. Ben, of course, thought I would give up the rod after, so long a struggle, but I was determined to land him and stayed with it all the time. I must tell you I kept my rod well up in the air; there was not even a drop of water on the tip. I put a kink in the rod that I am sure will not get out this season. I was getting awfully nervous and tired when I was suddenly overjoyed to find that the fish commenced to land. Prior to this he had led us all over the bay. So we then went ashore and with a great deal of caution (and I want you also to know, with a great deal of skill), I got my fish into the shallow water. Then Ben made a strike with that gaff that never fails and up came the lordly salmon high and dry. I was by this time all to pieces. The fish weighed forty pounds and measured three feet and nine inches in length. There has been only one other larger fish caught here than mine, and this one weighed forty-two pounds. I am ambitious to go out again and beat the record. Ben is home now, hurrying me up, as we are going fishing again this afternoon."
FE (25 Nov. 1902) For the past several days, the gill nets on the lower river have been getting but few salmon, if we are correctly informed. Seining on the lower river is probably a thing of the past for this season, owing to the late freshets, for it is feared that the seining grounds have been filled with snags, etc. During the big raise, the big run of salmon reported[ly] made their way up the river to the spawning grounds. The seiners in the Fortuna section are still at work, however, and have been catching quite a few fish, while the gill netters there did great work for a time, one boat catching as many as 180 fish in one night. Taken altogether there has been a big lot of salmon in Eel river this season. The steelhead run comes later on.
FE (28 Nov. 1902) Eel river has fallen very rapidly the past week and that stream is now nearly clear enough for trolling purposes. Last Tuesday Mr. Lucas caught five large salmon on a spoon, the smallest one weighing forty pounds. The fish that are running up the river at present seem to be unusually large, there being but very few small ones.
FE (5 Dec. 1902) Wednesday's Corona brought up over a million salmon eggs for the Price creek fish hatchery.
FE (9 Dec. 1902) Lots of salmon were taken in Eel river Saturday night and Sunday--about two carloads...Will East caught three tons of salmon in Eel river one night recently.
FE (19 Dec. 1902) Indian Sherman, who was arrested last September for illegally catching salmon, was discharged Tuesday by Judge Langdon at Fortuna. Sherman admitted catching the fish but claimed they were used for food for his family. Geo. T. Rolley defended him. It is stated that Sherman will be rearrested and taken before another justice.
FE (26 Dec. 1902) Fish Matters--Eel river fishermen held a meeting at Loleta last Saturday and resolved to fight the passage by the Legislature of the proposed measure to stop for several reasons all gill net and seine fishing for salmon in Eel river. They will ask George T. Rolley, the Assemblyman-elect from the Second District, to draft and present a bill in their interests.
They are raising $500 with which to make their fight and will send Frank Legg, one of their number, to Sacramento to look after their interests in a general way. The fishermen will also ask that February be made an open month for steelheads, but they all seem agreeable to the prohibition of seining or gill-netting above East's ferry.
And here the Enterprise wishes to express the hope that our assemblymen and state senator will exert every effort at this session of the Legislature to secure the passage of a measure for an increased appropriation for our State Board of Fish Commissioners, for this would mean more funds for our local
hatchery on Price creek, which has been doing such excellent work. If Eel river is to be kept replenished with salmon and steelheads, the Price creek hatchery must be maintained, for the increased number of fish in the river the past two seasons has demonstrated the hatchery's usefulness, and has proven that its work is effective and prolific of results. But the Fish Commission is hampered by a shortage of money and is unable to keep the Price creek hatchery in operation to the extent it should and to the extent our local fish industry demands, hence the necessity of a determined effort to provide the Commission with a fund large enough to meet all reasonable demands. With our hatchery in operation to its limit, with reasonable protective legislation and with such efficient officials as our present Deputy Fish Commissioner W.P. Huestis to see that the laws are enforced, it will be but a few seasons before Eel river will again be stocked with salmon and steelheads--the best of our good fishes--most abundantly.