Area |
Shasta |
Topic |
Fish: Adult Chinook Migration vs. Temps |
Caption: Adult fall Chinook salmon seem to have waited for stream temperatures to drop below stressful levels before moving up the Shasta River to spawn in 1990. Water temperatures in excess of 20 degrees C (68 F) are stressful for salmon and steelhead. Historical records (see Snyder, 1931 in the KRIS Bibliography) show that fall Chinook salmon spawning on the Shasta River commenced on September 15 (week 38). Typically diversions for irrigation end on October 1 (week 40). Subsequent increased stream flows and reduced agricultural runoff may be related to the drop in stream temperatures. Salmon numbers are from the Shasta Racks while temperature data were recorded with a continuous recording device deployed by CDFG.
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