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S.F. Trinity |
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Sediment: SF Trinity - Cumulative Percent Fines <5.6 mm, GMA 2002 |
Caption: This chart shows cumulative percent substrate <5.6 mm for sample sites for various sites in the South Fork Trinity River in 2002. Both surface (the depth of the largest particle) and sub-surface (down to 1 ft depth) samples are represented. South Fork Trinity samples sites were located: near Eltapom Creek (SFTEC), near Hyampom upstream of the Hayfork Creek confluence (SFTHR), and near Forest Glen (SFTFG). Two sites exceed the adjusted reference of 26% for fines <6.5 mm. EPA TMDL's typically set a target of 30% for fines <6.5 mm based on wet sieve analysis for Pacific Northwest Coastal streams. The KRIS IFR staff has used conversion from Shirazi and Seim (1979) to adjust this target for dry sieve methods, which were used by Graham Mathews and Associates.
Data were collected and provided by Graham Mathews and Associates. See Info Links for more information.
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